Friday 20 October 2023

Blue and Pink Floral Print Outfits For Spring

Two simple pink and blue outfits for spring. Both have a little touch of florals, although the first one has a pink tee and blue shorts and the second is a blue tee and pink jeans to switch it up a little.

What I wore:

Necklace: thrifted metallic clay bead necklace
TeeCle The Label Charlotte tee in ombre rose
Shorts: Kmart culotte short in navy lemon print
Shoesslim navy and pink Havaianas
Bracelets: the usual
Bag: Mica Bag - Rebecca Minkoff mini MAB side zip tote in pale lilac hand painted by Sheila

Why I wore it:

This was an eventful day! I was working from home when there was an incident in the street and I had to run out to help. Thankfully I didn't have to provide a lot of first aid as it was just a minor incident, but not the best way to meet the new neighbours!

As it had been a warm day, shorts and a tee were perfect, and after I wrapped up things with work we had a couple of errands to run and I took my son to an appointment.

I wasn't sure if the floral print bag would be too much against the print on the shorts, but I think the colours being similar helped tie it all together, and I really liked this combination.

Last worn: pink ombre tee, beaded necklace, navy printed culottes, Havaianas, Rebecca Minkoff hand painted mini MAB tote.

Other ways to wearpink ombre tee and blazer, navy printed culottes and cardigan, Rebecca Minkoff hand painted mini MAB tote dress.

What I wore:

Jacket: Jeanswest Polly printed kimono in white base ditsy floral 
Necklace: Happiness Boutique turquoise and coral pendant necklace (c/o)
TeeCotton On The One fitted v tee in washed poolside blue
JeansSass & Bide The Winning Day Lovestate jeans in magenta
ShoesConverse Chuck Taylor All Star coast blue
Bracelets: the usual
BagRebecca Minkoff olive mini Darren

Why I wore it:

This time around I went with a brighter shade of pink, with the magenta jeans and the pastel tee. With the red and pink floral print in the cover up, I thought the magenta jeans complimented it quite nicely, and I do always like blue and pink together so the pastel blue tee was an easy choice. It let me do a bit of matchy-matchy with the blue Converse too.

Didn't need to carry much, another wok from home day with a physio appointment in the afternoon so it was a good opportunity to get this little olive Darren bag out again - can't even fit my wallet in it, it really is just for the essentials.

Like with the jeans, I liked how the olive worked with the shades of green in the floral print.

Last worn: floral cover up, stone necklace, blue tee, magenta jeans, blue ConverseRebecca Minkoff mini Darren bag.

Other ways to wearfloral cover up and skirt, blue tee and shorts, magenta jeans and leather jacket, blue Converse and dress, Rebecca Minkoff mini Darren bag and double denim.

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  1. Lovely spring looks Mica! That floral bag is so chic and fun.

  2. Oh my goodness. That must have been so stressful, but I'm glad you were there to assist! I love the floral purse with the print on the shorts. It looks wonderful together. Love the second outfit as well. Those jeans are such a gorgeous colour!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. It looks like things are getting warm where you are.

  4. These are both such lovely spring outfits. I find I wear more pink in spring and summer than I do in fall and winter.

  5. Shall we swap seasons please? Lol. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. What with the temperature having dropped to just above 10°C here, it's hard to imagine being able to wear shorts and tees!
    Loving that first outfit very much, and I'm glad you were able to assist with the incident. You will definitely have made an impression on your new neighbours! xxx

  7. I love the blue and pink color combos, Mica! Oh my goodness, I'm sure to accident with your new neighbors would be a little scary. That would definitely not be the best way to get introduced to new neighbors, but just glad it was a small incident and no one was majorly hurt.

    Make Life Marvelous

  8. Those shorts went so well with the RM bag, Mica! And love the magenta and blue combo:) You mix colours so well!!!
    PS I hope all is well with your neighbours!

  9. Glad you were able to help your neighbor out.


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