Friday, 7 February 2025

Grey Skirt Outfits With Purple

Brightening up some grey skirt outfits by adding a little bit of purple.

What I wore:

EarringsMIMCO fleur stud silver earrings
Necklace: handmade silver and gold faux pearl beaded necklace
Tee: Kmart basic purple tee
Skirt: thrifted pinstripe maxi skirt
ShoesNike Court Royale white and beige sneakers
Bracelets: the usual
BagLouis Vuitton MM damier azur Neverfull

Why I wore it:

Needed a comfortable and practical outfit for my son's surgery. The Louis Vuitton Neverfull tote bag fits everything with both needed to keep us happy and distracted with all the waiting around, it's such a good tote bag.

Kept my outfit simple with this little beaded necklace I made, good for my son to fidget with if needed. And I was cosy and comfortable in the grey pinstripe jersey maxi skirt, and sneakers. I thought the purple tee was a nice way to add some colour and lightness to the outfit that would have been a bit too neutral without the block colour tee.

Last worn: silver earrings, purple tee, beaded necklace, grey pinstripe maxi skirt, Nike Court Royale sneakers, Louis Vuitton Neverfull.

Other ways to wearpurple tee and jeans, grey pinstripe maxi skirt and knit, Nike Court Royale sneakers and shortsLouis Vuitton Neverfull worn 30 ways.

Perfect for pregnancyLouis Vuitton Neverfull in third trimester.

What I wore:

Jacket: Target Karolina summer kimono in purple black floral
EarringsMIMCO fleur stud silver earrings
Necklace: thrifted metallic clay bead necklace
Tee: Anko Kmart short sleeve slub v-neck tee in lead grey
Skirt: Salvos Nobody Denim grey distressed denim skirt
Shoesslim navy and pink Havaianas
Bracelets: the usual plus Mimco Slay to the rhythm bracelet in silver
BagPolene numero neuf mini in textured mauve 

Why I wore it:

Just like the outfit above, this felt a bit plain and neutral with the grey denim skirt, and the grey tee. I added a little more colour with purple again, although lighter shades this time. I really liked the resulting outfit though! The purple floral cover up is something I've worn with the lilac Polene Numero neuf mini bag before, I really like the pairing! And I added another beaded necklace, this one was an opshop find.

I had a couple of errands to run and a few things to donate to the opshop that I hadn't managed to drop off before Christmas. of course I had a bit of a browse as well, and ended up with a few more books to replace the ones the kids had grown out of that I'd just donated!

Last worn: earrings (above), floral cover up, grey tee, beaded necklace, Havaianas, grey Nobody Denim skirt, Polene Numero neuf mini bag.

Other ways to wearfloral cover up and shorts, grey tee and midi skirt, grey Nobody Denim skirt and graphic tee, Polene Numero neuf mini bag and dress.

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Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Midi Skirts, Grey Tees and Aqua Mini MAC Bag

The first few weeks back in the office in January before school went back were pretty quiet, so I took the opportunity to wear some casual grey tees to work.

What I wore:

EarringMIMCO fleur stud silver earrings
Necklace: thrifted gold and cream multi strand pearl necklace
Tee: Anko Kmart short sleeve slub v-neck tee in lead grey
Skirt: no label cream and brown floral print midi skirt
Shoesthrifted white leather Chuck Taylor All Star Converse sneakers
Bracelets: the usual plus Mimco urban bracelet
BagRebecca Minkoff mini MAC in aquamarine with python embossed leather 

Why I wore it:

I got this pretty midi skirt for Christmas from one of our pre-Christmas shopping trips, this one is from the opshop shopping day before Christmas. I found it online and so I'm pretty sure it's from Kmart. It's a lovely neutral brown print, so I wore it with more neutrals with the grey tee. To try dress it up a little more for a day in the office I added this statement necklace, it's so fun with all the faux pearl beads. I could have added a blazer to this to make it even more formal, but the day was too hot to want to layer.

I wore my white Converse to be a little matchy-matchy with the skirt, but decided to wear my little aquamarine mini MAC bag for a pop of colour. It's so nice against greys, and other neutrals like I'm wearing in this outfit, and carries all the essentials I need for work as I carry my laptop in my company issued laptop bag.

Last worn: Mimco silver earrings, beaded statement necklace, white Converse, aquamarine mini MAC bag. First time I've worn the tee and the skirt as they were a Christmas present.

Other ways to wearwhite Converse and shorts, aquamarine mini MAC bag and denim skirt.

Perfect for pregnancyaquamarine mini MAC bag in second trimester.

What I wore:

Earrings: Target solid silver hoops
Necklace: thrifted mint silicone statement necklace
TeeAtmos&Here charcoal grey v neck tee
Skirt: thrifted &Me blue linen button up midi skirt with pockets
ShoesConverse Chuck Taylor All Star coast blue
Bracelets: the usual plus Mimco urban bracelet
BagRebecca Minkoff mini MAC in aquamarine with python embossed leather 

Why I wore it:

Even though this is the same outfit formula as the one above, this outfit felt much more casual. Not sure it it was the softer tee or the linen skirt, or a combination. I still loved this outfit for a quiet day in the office though. There were so few people there, most working from home or still on leave, so I smashed through a lot of work and so many meetings at my desk.

It's the first time I've worn this aquamarine mini MAC bag with this silicone necklace and it definitely won't be the last, they pair so nicely together. I wore my blue Converse as well for more matchy-matchy with the blue linen midi skirt.

Last worn: grey tee, silver earringssilicone necklace, blue linen midi skirt, blue Converse, Rebecca Minkoff aqua mini MAC (above).

Other ways to weardark grey tee worn 30 ways, blue linen midi skirt with navy, blue Converse and jeans, Rebecca Minkoff aqua mini MAC and shorts.

Perfect for pregnancygrey tee in second trimesterRebecca Minkoff aqua mini MAC in second trimester.

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