Monday 30 March 2015

March Update and What I Learnt From a Wardrobe Detox

Thought I'd break with the standard outfit posts template to share my March wardrobe update. I made some purchases this month, and I got rid of a lot of things from my wardrobe. I even listed some on ebay! Also had my first session with a personal stylist, so I wanted to share what that was like with you all.

What I bought in March:

Emerson red skinny jeans (already worn here)
Jeanswest Bindi skinny 7/8 jeans in indigo luxe

Jeanswest 'Sierra' embellished black maxi dress (already worn here)
Jeanswest Elise longline emroidered shirt coconut blue
Jeanswest Nadine 3/4 Sleeve dusky pink blazer
Jeanswest Cassandra jacquard jacket

Not bad considering the last time I bought clothes for myself was in December! You can tell I had a few Jeanswest gift cards to spend ;)

March was the month I returned to the office after maternity leave. As I did so, I got all of my old office clothes out of the 'for after baby' box they had been hiding in and - honestly - started to get quite frustrated that I didn't really have any space for those things in my wardrobe. The slow and steady wardrobe clear-out process got a bit more focused and ruthless over the month. There are so many considerations and emotions around going back to work, and tackling my wardrobe at such a time was probably not the best idea in hindsight. I was just getting more frustrated trying to turn my wardrobe into something that would work for my new lifestyle. So I called in the professionals! One of my instagram friends (@sophisticatedmumma) recommended a personal stylist who lived near me (@istyl). I've been thinking about having someone help me with my wardrobe for a while, and facing a big lifestyle change with returning to work after maternity leave seemed like an ideal time to get an expert!

If you are thinking about getting a personal stylist to come help you with your wardrobe, do it! If you're wondering, I always disclose my sponsored posts. This is not one of them. This is all my own words and I paid for the services with my own money. I didn't even mention that I was going to blog about it. The wardrobe detox was not as stressful as I expected, and was actually really fun. It helped that baby T and Cooper were on their best behaviour and that Maudie was happy working around baby and his needs through the day. She was a superstar.

What I learnt from my wardrobe detox:

  • Babies never nap as long as you expect them too!
  • You will be trying on lots of clothes so you want to dress appropriately (maybe matching undies) or set up a little hidden spot to change if you're feeling modest. Dancing around the room half naked asking for a little help struggling to pull off a pair of stubborn skinny jeans / needing to fix a zipper caught halfway up a dress might happen more than once.
  • There are certain colours you can wear that can make you look incredible, and some that wash you out.
  • If your wardrobe is full of colours that don't make you look your best, there are a few tricks you can employ to get around this. It isn't about buying a whole new wardrobe, but learning how to make what you have work for you.

  • You'll never really comprehend how much stuff is in your wardrobe until you start going through it all.
  • It is extremely frustrating realising just how many 'perfect for nursing' tops you had hidden in your wardrobe, after you've stopped breastfeeding.
  • You will come up with the craziest justifications to explain oddities in your wardrobe. (Like why each and every one of your 14 grey tees is a complete essential and different from all the rest.) Thanks for humouring me Maudie!

  • A wardrobe detox is very emotional. Saying goodbye to old pieces, and re-discovering old favourites. You might feel compelled to tell stories of when, where, and why you bought things. It's a trip down memory lane.
  • Even you will be surprised with how stubborn you can be on keeping some pieces....and how happy you will be to toss others.
  • If there are things you just have to have despite the expert opinion saying it doesn't work for you, you can get ideas of different ways to style the items to make them work a little better.

  • Even an overflowing wardrobe can have 'gaps' in it.  It is really helpful to know what things you should look for next time you are shopping, and what you should avoid buying more of. (Like jeans!)
  • Sorting things into piles of 'keep', 'tailor' and 'toss' is so much easier with an impartial third party helping.
  • It's never about you. You look amazing. Your clothes might not be working to show off your best self. And that can be easily fixed.
  • Hearing sincere and flattering compliments is always a good boost, especially after having a baby.
  • Some things you might be considering getting rid of can stay and become stand out pieces in your wardrobe very quickly when you know how to wear them.
  • Finding out why things make you look and feel good will help guide your shopping for the better.
  • A few hours, a bin bag full of cast-offs and a little bit of wardrobe reorganisation can make such a positive difference.

If you're in Brisbane or the Sunshine Coast I'd recommend Maudie as an awesome personal stylist. If a wardrobe detox isn't in your budget, try inviting a friend over and getting an honest opinion on some of the things you own. It's so helpful getting another view. I know some bloggers have check lists or flowcharts or things to help you do your own wardrobe detox too. Please feel free to link up any great advice you have or have come across in the comments.

As a result of my little spring-cleaning before my wardrobe session and a very productive couple of hours during it...there are a bunch of things that have left my wardrobe this month. I've included pictures of just some of them below, as they didn't all have a 'last wear' outside. You can find a few things on ebay. I'll be listing more as I find the time, and the rest will be donated to the Animal Welfare League shelter to end up in their op-shops.

Leaving My Wardrobe:

French Connection black maxi dress

Just Jeans brown cropped trench

( I just don't have outfit pics of them all)

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  1. Good for you for doing that, it sounds like having a stylist help was made it very productive! I know what you mean about have 14 'essential' grey tees, lol:) I have many things like that. It's so true that we have such an abundance and take it for granted. I do my best to clean out my closet twice a year and I'm going through a big haul this month and trying to get rid of all the things that I really do not use once and for all.

    1. It is so nice to get rid of the excess stuff and just have a more simplified wardrobe - I felt much better with my wardrobe after the session, although I do know I have too many things still, haha! Good luck with your clean out!

  2. I love this series like I said before. Too bad about the black maxi dress and boucle jacket. Can't you make them work for you, a little longer? And so many cute graphic tees, as well.

    1. I just bought a new black maxi dress and boucle jacket(in the video) that I like more, so I'm clearing out the old ones to make room for the new ones :)

  3. I love these kinds of posts! And I love that you did it in vlog form. You have the cutest accent ever!

  4. I feel you, Mica! It's hard to clean out a closet since every piece has a personal story! You've done it very well though!


  5. Ooh, so many fun purchases! I was sort of bad this month but it wasn't as bad as it could have been, haha.
    I do need to do a wardrobe detox too, too many things I don't wear!

    1. It is difficult to do a wardrobe detox, but worth it in the end! :)

  6. Your voice is so sweet! (: Thank you for bringing us on this journey to clean out your closet and simplify your wardrobe. You should totally be a stylist. I'd hire you in a heart beat to sort out my mess of a closet. I love your reasoning behind your essentials and why you choose pieces!

    1. haha thank you! I definitely don't have the skills to be a stylist! Maudie who helped me was wonderful, very talented and professional! :)

  7. I never considered hiring a professionals stylish (I'm not sure we have those here) but your post really reminded me that I should do something to better organize my wardrobe. It seems that hiring a stylish was a really good idea! I'm sure it makes the whole process more effective...

    I love what you wrote about how some colours don't flatter us and how it is never about us, it's about the clothes and finding what looks good on us- that's a good approach!

    besides clothes should be there to make us feel better:)
    thanks for sharing!

    1. I think that having Maudie helping from a personal stylist viewpoint was really what made the wardrobe detox so successful - she is so stylish herself and has a great eye for style! :)

  8. I go through my closet from time to time as well and purge some items that need to be thrown away or items that I never wear and that still look great. I end up donating those items.

    Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

    1. I tend to add to a big bag as I go through the wardrobe and then either ebay or donate, depending on how big the pile is getting haha. It was good to do a focused morning of tackling the wardrobe - as I'd been doing it bit by bit and didn't feel like I was getting very far! :)

  9. Great tips! I always start to detox but I bring myself to part with some items.

  10. This is so great! Loving all the different combos for one look! :)


  11. Wow, a personal stylist to revamp the wardrobe! I might want to do that as my closet is crying out for help. I'm not sure if there is such service here in Dubai. Got to find out. I have too many pieces that I haven't worn in years but still hanging there in the closet. This is a great post and very informative. Thanks for sharing those tips :) p.s. love the black dress!

    1. Definitely see if you can find one in Dubai! I'm so glad I had Maudie to help me, it made the process much easier and I learnt a lot! :)

  12. I love your new red jeans. I got a replacement pair a few months ago too. I didnt realise how much I wore them. You'll be wearing them too.
    Like you, I never buy full price.. i think you learned a lot of interesting things during your closet cleansing, my very true and favourite one: You'll never really comprehend how much stuff is in your wardrobe until you start going through it all.

    1. I think that one is so true! I've done a wardrobe inventory but still never really comprehended how much was in there until I started going through it all with Maudie! :) I'm hoping to get lots of wear from the red jeans! :)

  13. Oh and the pink blazer reminds me of the one I have !

  14. I really need to do a wardrobe detox! I love your red and indigo jeans :)

    Corinne x

  15. I think that was an awesome idea to hire a personal stylist to help you with your wardrobe and it sounds like you are happy with the results which is awesome. Loving the lessons you learned from the detox - some really great tips. Thanks so much for sharing your experience and lovin' your new buys! :)


  16. I can't wait to see you style it.

  17. Mica, this post was so awesome! Wardrobe DETOX! I love it! I'm so glad you hired a personal stylist to help you. It really seemed to make things a lot easier. I did this about 3-4 years ago and felt so refreshed. I put things on ebay, brought things to goodwill and kept some items. My closet is so easy to clean out now. I loved your message to me on Twitter. So good for you! Happy for you!

    1. I think I still have some downsizing to go, but it is definitely a lot easier to see what I have and hopefully I'll be able to maintain what I've got! :) Glad you managed to make such good progress with yours! :)

  18. I love a good closet purge! I just did that and have just recently done the same thing with mine as well. I totally reorganized and got rid of so many things! I pick all of my outfits the night before now because it takes me wayyy too long in the morning!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

    1. Glad you managed to go through it all at once !I've tried in the past and find it just too daunting, it was helpful having a professional to guide me through it haha! :)

  19. I just cleaned out my closet too and it's crazy how much you realize you don't wear anymore but it's soo hard to let go certain items!


    1. It is very hard to let go of some pieces!

  20. I have to follow your example and give my wardrobe the overhaul!!!

  21. Great post!


  22. Haha, great to know you had an emotional connection with your wardrobe. I gave myself my own wardrobe detox a few months, and I have to say my wardrobe has been looking quite empty!

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

  23. I just love the video, you have a very pleasant voice, I must say:)
    I like those pairs of jeans you've bought, everything looks quite modish and appealing.
    From time to time I'm organizing my wardrobe as well, some clothes I'm handing out to friends, and some of the cast-offs I'm keeping at summer house in case I would make a trek to the countryside.
    Have a lovely day!

    1. Oh keeping some things in the summer house sounds awesome! :)

  24. I have the same feeling about detoxing the wardrobe because I always think about not getting anything away from the wardrobe. However, I have to lol

  25. This is such a good idea! Everyone can do with a closet overhaul, especially in the spring to make room for fresh new clothes!

    Chow Down USA

  26. What a great post, Mica! I loved reading about your experience with Maudie. I an see how an objective eye would be so useful. Great v-log, too!

  27. Love this and love all your new items! Love how you remixed that maxi so many ways!

    <3 Shannon

  28. What a great post Mica. Alway love seeing your little videos as well. Although, I do love that LBD maxi, I understand the pieces leaving from your wardrobe. Have a wonderful rest of the week, and Happy April!
    Highland Hiatus

  29. Love your maxidress <3
    Love Lynda

  30. Wow, it sounds like this was such a good experience for you! Kind of sad to get rid of some of your clothes, but it sounds like overall it's a very good thing. And your personal stylist sounds awesome! I am in a weird place with my wardrobe since I'm post-baby and breastfeeding... so ready to be back into all of my normal clothes so I can organize a little bit!

    1. I was eager to get back into normal clothes too but then realised what a mess my wardrobe was - it was a good time to get some help I think, and feeling much more confident with my wardrobe helped ease the pain of saying goodbye to so many old 'friends'!

  31. It is crazy how things seem to add up while you aren't looking! ;) I try to donate regularly so I don't get overwhelmed, but a good clean out might be in order.

    Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  32. well done in this!!! i need to purge my closet for this spring too!! :D

    Animated Confessions

  33. Sounds like a fun and productive process! Very worthwhile!

  34. Loving the new wardrobe pieces! And, I am seriously in need of a wardrobe detox, myself. I've put off cleaning my closet for far too long! T.

  35. Maudie is amazing - so happy you enjoyed your wardrobe edit

    1. She is! I'm so pleased to have been introduced to her on instagram! :)

  36. My one big weakness are graphic tees. And while they aren't all in the same color, I still have to watch not adding countless more ;-) Having done a big detox/overhaul of my wardrobe in the last year I can relate to a lot of the things you mentioned in your post. I didn't have anyone to help me, but I learned so so much from doing it. And I got into the habit of editing regularly.

    Alex - Funky Jungle

    1. I need to step up on my regular editing I think, as I was not getting rid of enough stuff, and not keeping the right things! :) Graphic tees were my weakness too, I've tried to clean them out! :)

  37. I remember almost buying that ASOS boucle jacket SO many times!

    1. It is cute! But I think the new one I just bought from Jeanswest is cuter, haha, so the old one is going! :)

  38. I've been gradually decluttering my wardrobe. You're right, it is an emotional experience. I've found it easier doing it gradually rather than in one hit. I love your new jacquard jacket. I'm sure my slightly decluttered wardrobe now has room for one of these!

    1. Doing it piece by piece is good so it's not too painful, but all at once is great for immediate results! :) I'm pleased I was able to do it, I thought I'd be so stressed or over emotional with it! Maudie was good! :)

  39. I was a little unsure about the price too, but my mother in law had given me some 'pampering money' for Christmas so I was able to use that! And I definitely think it was a good investment, I really needed that outside opinion like you said. She just helped me clean out , as I have so much stuff that's what I wanted, but I'm thinking of maybe asking for a shopping session as a gift later in the year! :)

  40. Thank you all for your lovely comments - and understanding from those who have faced similar situations with their wardrobes!

  41. I really enjoyed reading this post! I have to say I'm surprised you're getting rid your French Connection maxi dress. I think you look absolutely stunning in it! But I know you just got a new one, and a pretty adorable one at that! It was fun to watch a video haul instead of just seeing pictures. I'd like to get up the guts to do a thrifting haul video but I feel so nervous on camera!

    1. You can always give the video a go! If it doesn't' work or you hate it, just delete it! But you might surprise yourself, your thrifting haul video would be a video I'd like to watch.
      And yep that was a pretty black maxi dress, but since I bought the new one I didn't really need two...and I like the new one better haha.

  42. What a great post Mica. Detoxing a wardrobe is tough and I am surprised that you got rid of the black maxi since it's such a versatile piece and I know how much you love maxi dresses. Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!



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