Thursday 2 February 2012

Hurtful comments

Crazy day today. Stress at work is really getting to everyone. To top if off, came home to an extremely rude comment on one of my youtube videos. Someone randomly decided to leave a horrible comment about Cooper.

I deleted the comment but it still made me sad.

DH has told me it's okay, people on the internet are just crazy and rude like that, but how could you be so mean to such a cute little doggy?

On a completely unrelated note, here's what I wore today:
Dress: French Connection Melanie sleeveless navy and white dress
Necklace: glass pearls and black ribbon, made by a talented friend
Bracelets: the usual plus some freshwater pearl ones made by the same friend.
Shoes: Nine West
Bag: Balenciaga 2008 Sapphire RH city

I covered up with a cropped Asos jacket in the office:

Closeup of accessories:

Also got some parcels today - a dress and a bracelet - I'll post about them later.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

February already!

Can't believe it's the 1st of February already! Really wish January had welcomed in the new year in a much more pleasant manner, but there is still lots more of the year to go.

Here's what I wore today:
Dress: Jeanswest ruffle neckline animal print dress
Necklace: Chanel (via Reebonz)
Bracelets: the usual
Shoes: Big W thongs ($1!)
Bag: Balenciaga 2008 Sapphire RH city

Closeup of accessories and digital leopard print on the dress:

I did have work today so I swapped out the thongs for my Nine West black flats and wore a long black cardi too. I always have flats and a cardigan in my desk, they are really useful.

Glad it was Wednesday, only 2 days left of work before the weekend :)