Sunday 29 January 2012

Jeans and a tee again

A very relaxing Sunday again - it rained most of the morning but when it stopped in the afternoon I was able to take Cooper for a much needed walk. Also had my first session on my exercise bike. May have overdone it a little for a first time, maybe 30 minutes at once is too much for my knee. DH has told me if it's sore today it will be really sore tomorrow. Fingers crossed it won't be!

Just wore comfy, casual clothes today.

Here's what I wore:
Oversized tee: Wildfox Couture
Jeans: Jeanswest
Necklace: Chanel (via Reebonz)
Bracelets: the usual
Shoes: Cotton On thongs

As you can see the sun was shining when I took the pic - my top seems really bright sorry! There is a photography thread that was recently started on Effen Haute forum that I'm participating in, hopefully I'll soak up some tips about taking better photos.

Closeup of accessories:

Although I'm not volunteering at church online ( this evening as it's my week off, I will just be attending as a guest and we have a meeting for it later. I love that my church is online so I don't have to dress up specially for meetings! :)

Hope you had a great weekend!

Saturday 28 January 2012

Garage sale goodies!

Very rainy afternoon, but nice morning. We went for a trip to the Beenleigh Baptist church garage sale in the morning. Cooper came along too of course, and loved being the centre of attention.

Here's what I wore today:

Tee: Jeanswest Agnes tee in khaki (From my Jeanswest haul here)
Jeans: again Jeanswest
Necklace: glass pearls made by a talented friend
Bracelets: the usual plus a gifted glass pearl and bow one, and 2 freshwater pearl bracelets made by a talented friend.
Bag: Chloe Ethel in sweet pink
Shoes: Balenciaga sorbet RGGH studded sandals

Really pleased to be able to wear my Chloe Ethel bag again :)

Closeup of accessories:

We were just going to the garage sale to show our support and drop off something for some friends, but of course there were a few impulse buys!

I bought these cute leopard print slippers that my mum had put aside for me - they fit perfectly and are so comfy! My mum always picks the best things! Cooper is still unsure if they are for me or him - he keeps biting them now and then. They are very similar to his fluffy toys I guess.

And a very last minute purchase was this exercise bike! Not planned at all, which frustrated DH a little. Oops!
Someone jokingly asked if we wanted it at the end of the sale, as they were packing up all the items that didn't sell to donate to the Salvation Army store. We had missed it when we were looking around before. They were very surprised when I jumped at the chance to take it! DH was especially shocked - I think this is the strangest impulse buy he's seen me get! Tried it out quickly and it worked great, although it's old and dusty it still works.

Those that know me personally know I've badly injured my knee a couple of times recently, and that's why I can't wear heels as much anymore. I used to wear them every day. One of the things the physio suggested for me was an exercise bike, to build up the strength in my muscles without having the varying terrain and resistance of  biking outdoors. The price and hopefully short term requirement for use always put us off getting one.

Very excited with my new-to-me bike and looking forward to using it to strengthen my knee.

What's the strangest impulse buy you've made?