Tuesday 31 January 2012

Liebster Blog Award and acupuncture

Busy day at work! Had an acupuncture appointment in the afternoon - my first session. It wasn't as sore as I had imagined, was really quite relaxing! :) Unfortunately still no exercise on my bike again though, as my knee is still complaining after I pushed it too much on Sunday.

Here's what I wore today:
Dress: ValleyGirl
Necklace: Chanel (via Reebonz)
Bracelets: the usual plus 2 freshwater pearl ones made by a talented friend
Bag: Chloe Ethel in sweet pink
Shoes: Marc by Marc Jacobs black patent mouse flats

Been carrying my pink Chloe Ethel for a few days now.

And thank you to June at Stylish with a Budget for giving me a Liebster blog award!

The Liebster Blog Award. Liebster in German means dearest, beloved, or favourite, and it's for bloggers with under 200 followers.

The rules:
1. Thank you Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3. Copy & paste the blog award on your blog.
4. Revel your 5 blog picks.
5. Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog.

It's so tricky to find 5 great blogs for this award. A lot of the bloggers I follow (like the wonderful Liv at WaitUntilTheSunset) have more than 200 followers.

So here are my 5 blog picks:

K at MakeEveryMoveCount
One of my best friends in real life, and she has a very inspiring blog.

Purvi from Purvi's creative hub
A very sweet blogger, I always love to read her posts. She is a very talented artist and she writes beautifully too.

Becky and Frederik at The Fashionoclast
I don't know if they "do" blog awards, but they do have beautifully written pieces to really make you think about fashion, and very fun Frivolous Friday challenges that encourage me to expand my fashion outlook.

The Blooberrymuffin over at Blooberrymuffin.com
Another blogger I'm lucky enough to call my friend. I love all of her peektures.

Teodora from Teodora'sLookbook (who is also currently having a giveaway!)
The blogger that unknowingly encouraged me to buy this dress. How could I not pass on an award to the lovely Teodora?

Hope you all enjoy checking out the 5 blog picks :)

Monday 30 January 2012

The wrinkly LBD

My wrinkled little black dress is brought to you by extra long meetings and being stuck at work for 9 hours with no air conditioning. The dreaded clothes wrinkles....

Here's what I wore today:
Dress: French Connection (that has a really nice skirt when it's not wrinkled out of shape)
Necklace: Made by a talented friend
Bracelets: The usual
Belt: Louis Vuitton "commete" Bandeau scarf worn as a belt
Shoes: Skechers
Bag: Chloe Ethel in sweet pink (with puff ball keyring)

Had to wear my Skechers as my knee was throbbing this morning - definitely overdid it on the exercise bike yesterday!

How cute is the little fluff ball on my bag? Got it as a surprise gift from one of my friends. It's very soft and fluffy. Just need to find a permanent place to put it now.

Closeup of accessories:

Fingers crossed the air con is working tomorrow! Will try wear something less prone to wrinkles just in case!