Tuesday 24 January 2012

Rain, rain and a little more rain

Been watching the http://qldalert.com/ website all afternoon with the flooding and road closures. Keeping those who have already had their homes go under water today in my prayers, and hoping the rain relents soon.

This was what I wore today for a big meeting at work:

Dress: Valley Girl
Necklace: Gift from DH
Bracelets: the usual plus purple one made by a talented friend
Shoes: Cotton On black flats. Really need to get myself some rain boots! Needed sensible shoes today, but all my boots have heels.
Bag: Balenciaga 2008 Sapphire RH city

And I wore a cardi over the dress most of the day to keep warm:

Close up of accessories and print on the dress:

And despite the rain Cooper popped out his doggy door now and then to check on the weather - he is one wet pup!

Don't forget to check me out over at the Fashionoclast - I was featured in their Frivolous Friday challenge again :) This time it was for my Bold Hat.

Hope wherever you are in the world you are warm and dry!

Monday 23 January 2012

Happy Lunar New Year!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and if you celebrated Chinese New Year I hope it was fun. We had a little celebration at our team meeting this morning. It was nice, and lots of yummy food!

The afternoon brought lots of rain but I managed to pop outside to get a picture when it let up for a minute.

Here's what I wore today: red, gold and brown.

Dress: Asos Tulip Skirt dress in red (My friend complimented me on this dress today and then before I could say anything asked "Asos?" My darling K you know me too well!)
Belt: op-shop
Necklace: House of Harlow gold mini key pendant necklace
Bracelets: the usual plus Hermes kelly double tour leather bracelet in rubis.
Shoes: New Look
Bag: Chloe 2007 Brun Paddington

Closeup of the accessories:

I also uploaded a little video review showing the typical contents of my Chloe paddington bag if you're interested :) Won't be wearing it tomorrow again - a bag this heavy needs to be worn sparingly!

Hope you had a great start to the week!