Friday 31 July 2015

#NoBuyJuly15 Results. Plaid Shirts, Cardigans and Skinny Jeans: SAHM Style

First up, my July purchases! I decided to set myself a #noBuyJuly15 challenge after buying a lot in June. The rules were simple - no unnecessary spending, limited only to essential things like food.

Beth from Almost Posh and I were even featured in the Sydney Morning Herald talking about some of our tips to curb impulse spending. Beth went on TV too! We did both end up buying things though...Perhaps I'll have better luck with #noSpenderSeptember!

I decided to just 'take a look' at the target sale, and then just 'try a few things on' and then just bought this $10 shirt. Not as bad as it could have been, I took 6 things into the change room, but definitely shows me that avoiding sales is the best way for me to curb unnecessary spending. Sale shopping is wonderful, and the main way I shop, but if you aren't shopping for something in particular you will walk out with a bargain you didn't plan to buy.

Now, what I've been wearing. Some recent outfits following a simple outfit formula: cardigan, skinny jeans and a plaid shirt.

One of the perks of having a stylish sister is getting to share her wardrobe! Even though we no longer live together, when we have wardrobe clearouts we always give each other the first chance to grab things. I was lucky enough to get two plaid shirts from my sisters rather large collection. I had no plaid shirts in my wardrobe, while she had so many she was getting rid of that I lost count!

What I wore:

Purple cardigan black skinny jeans tan skull scarf ankle boots plaid shirt baby bag
JacketJeanswest Dana drape knit cardi in boysenberry
ScarfAlexander McQueen modal and cashmere skull scarf
Shirt: Jay Jays metallic plaid shirt
JeansJeanswest prima denim super skinny jeans in absolute black
Shoes:  Asos airtime leather Chelsea boots in tan
BagMarc by Marc Jacobs pretty nylon Eliz-A-Baby bag

Why I wore it:

This was a tiring day! I was in a bit of a rush in the morning so instead of trying to figure out which bag would work, I just threw my things in the baby bag, which was overflowing more than usual as I had thrown in some extra things to keep baby T amused. It can be taxing trying to keep a wriggly toddler happy, quiet and amused on your lap in a waiting room, so I overstuffed the bag with every toy I could cram into it that morning.

Since getting the bag hook for the stroller I've been enjoying being able to carry my own bag and have one or both bags on the stroller if needed, but some days you just need the simplicity of one bag for everything. I'm so glad we bought a large baby bag, my wallet, phone and keys fit in nicely.

Last wornpurple cardigan, taupe skull scarf, black skinny jeans, ankle boots, Marc by Marc Jacobs Eliz-a-Baby bag. First time I've worn the shirt.

Other ways to wearpurple cardigan belted, skull scarf with stripes and metallic jeans, skinny jeans and an ombre knit, ankle boots and a maxi skirt.

More plaid shirts:

What I wore:

Black belted maxi cardigan purple plaid shirt skinny jeans converse RM mini MAC

Away From Blue Blog | Rebecca Minkoff metallic silver mini MAC
Jacket: Cotton On black knit wrap cardigan
NecklaceTai gold alphabet necklace
Shirt: See by Chloe lavender plaid cotton shirt
JeansJeanswest Super Skinny Jeans in Mid Indigo
ShoesConverse Chuck Taylor All Star low in black
BagRebecca Minkoff metallic silver mini MAC (on sale here!)

Why I wore it:

Another plaid shirt, and another cosy cardigan. This shirt has a bit of a history. I bought it online as a final sale from the Outnet a few years ago. I thought I'd read the size chart correctly, but it just didn't fit quite right. My sister was happy to take it off my hands and she wore it for a few years. Now as she was going to get rid of it, I was happy to take it back again! I don't mind the slightly oversized relaxed fit, it was comfortable for a morning at playgroup with baby.

This poor cardigan, it's second wearing this year after rediscovering it in my wardrobe, and the second time it didn't make it through a full day before baby 'added' to it and it's had to go in the wash!

No scarf with this as I couldn't figure out what one would go best, and as it's been warming up a little I didn't miss it too much.

Last worn: long black cardigan, skinny jeans, Converse, Rebecca Minkoff metallic mini MAC. First time I've worn the shirt.

Other ways to wear: long cardigan with flared jeans, skinny jeans in summer, Converse and a maxi skirt, Rebecca Minkoff mini MAC and a maxi dress.

Linking up with Budget Bloggers, Casual Friday, Friday Favourites, Passion for Fashion, Fab Favourites, Favourite Fashion, Fashion Friday, The Ultimate Rabbit Hole, Shoe and Tell, Let It Shine today.

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  1. Cute brown boots! Love your Rebecca Minkoff bag! =)

    Follow Me:
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  2. so cozy and beautiful +_+



  3. Amazing outfits! :) Plaid looks really good on you.
    x Angela //

  4. 2 very nice casual getups with skinny jeans. You look fantastic, like super mum!

    1. haha thanks, super mum might be a bit much! :)

  5. Plaid rocks! You look lovely! I love the colors of your outfits

  6. Sounds like you did pretty well on your shopping restriction to me. I find setting an attainable budget and sticking to it every month is what works best for me. That way I don't have some large months and some I feel like I cannot buy anything. I just love your skull scarves. I really want one!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    1. Yep I think budgeting is a good way to go! :)

  7. You look amazing in this purple plaid shirt. Nice outfits. Have a lovely day , Mica.


  8. I think you have done fantastically sticking with your NoBuyJuly! I have been good too for more than two months (ever since the Le Boy bag). I sold 3 bals (1 is on it's way to the consingment), 1 Mulberry and 3 RM (1 is on Bon right now). I think the ban starts off difficult and gets easier the longer you are on :)

    1. You are doing so well with your bags! It's so hard for me selling them, I always want to buy more than I sell, haha!

  9. I am loving that first outfit! The berry just makes everything pop!

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Etsy

  10. Nice outfit, as always, Mica!
    And yeah, sale item are so tempting yet we sometimes have to avoid them as we sometimes don't really need them at the moment.
    Usually, they are only things we want and not "needs"

    Jhem |

    1. Very true! many times I've bought things in sales I 'need' that I didn't know I needed before I checked out the sale! haha!

  11. I miss the days my sister and I could share clothing. Then I got bigger in places from having Penny and my sister got really thin from a breakout. We haven't caught back up with each other quite yet. (;

    I think you actually did wonderfully in your no buy July challenge. Certainly not the case for me. July was a spendy month going on vacation. Perhaps I'll be participating in the September one? Remind me! That should be fun.

    BTW you totally rock plaid!

    1. Hopefully you'll meet in the middle again soon, it's fun sharing a wardrobe really! :)

      I will try to remind you of the September one! :)

  12. Well, as you say I guess we'll see how your nospenderseptember challenge turns out!
    I might just join…. I've spent more than I was supposed to over the last months. In addition to that I have an upcoming bridal shower and two wedding this same month and each event adds to a lot of money with the make up and hair and lets not forget the gifts!

    1. Oh yes weddings can be very expensive! I definitely need to slow down my spending overall too.

  13. Can't go wrong with plaid shirts. They are a great staple for winter and these are ideal. And a good idea with the nobuyJuly even if you did buy a few things. I'm aiming for a reinedinAugust as I've just spend abit searching for the elusive good fitting bikini and some rash guards. I don't think I'll make a nospenderAugust or September as all the autumn stuff will be in the shops but a reined in month where I'm really strict is no bad thing!

    1. Good like with reigning in your spending! it's hard when there are sales or lots of new things in store, especially if shopping has become such a habit, like it has for me.

  14. My sisters and me are doing the same, when we clear out, we let the others check through it first. Infact I've already prepared a bag (or two) to go with me to Germany in August.

    Sorry to hear you didn't make it all the way through the spending freeze. Better luck next time :) I'll have my next one in September, because I know already I will spend a good amount when in Germany and visiting tons of fleamarkets and second hand shops haha.

    Alex - Funky Jungle

    1. haha yes it's good to be able to save up and be able to splurge when you know there will be lots you want to buy! :)

  15. Cute looks, wow, I love love your hair!

    The Flower Duet

  16. LOL. I do that too...and end up transferring my goals from one month to the next. LOL.

    1. haha maybe one month you will reach your no buy goals!

  17. Your oversized cardigan looks gorgeous, Mica! Glad you rediscovered it again. ;) Love the combo with the Converse, so comfy!! Great idea to match the scarf with the boots on your first look - lovely casual outfit!
    Have a lovely weekend, dear Mica!


    1. Yes it's been good to get it out of my wardrobe and enjoy wearing it again! :)

  18. Cardis are the best for cooler weather! I love the colored one but I also love black because it goes with everything :)


  19. A NoSpendSeptember sounds like something I need to participate in...aha!
    Great looks Mica :D Look 2 is my fave this round

    The Dragonfruit Diaries
    Check out my YouTube channel too!

  20. I love both of these outfits, such cool and relaxed style. I really love the idea of No Buy July, I think that is a good way of saving some cash! I think I'm going to try that next month because I did a lot of buying in July!! Lovely blog btw and so cool that you made it in the newspaper :) xx

    1. Thanks Lauren! Good luck with your no spending! I think it's good to cut back on shopping now and then and reflect on why we buy things :)

  21. Well done with no buy July! Those sales would have been so tempting. Xx

    1. They were! I'm amazed I only bought one thing, haha!

  22. That Target shirt is a great find for only $10 and I love these aid shirts on you! And what a chic baby bag!

    cute & little

  23. Yay for free clothing from your sister! Love that second cardigan by the way, I really need to add something similar to my wardrobe.

  24. I went a little too hard in July. I'm going to tighten the strings in August. Can't think of a catchy hashtag phrase for it though hehehe but that is not important.


    1. True, it's the intent behind it, not the hashtag that matters! :)

  25. You really rock on layering dear
    I love how you out up that boots on the skinny pants
    Looks so chic.
    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

  26. Love the colour of the first cardigan! I think it's too difficult to not spend money when there are so many summer sales happening at the moment! :O


  27. That silver beauty is divine, love the checked shirt too! Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday

  28. I think we did awesomely during a very challenging time and learnt from the experience! Haha!

    1. We did! I'm proud of us both! :) Even more proud of you getting on the telly! :)

  29. I love how cool you always combine a scarf with a whole look! It's always so stylish! I like wearing plaid shirts, they are absolutely comfy!

  30. we do the same thing! love the plaid shirts!

  31. You certainly know how to rock a plaid shirt and I love the boysenberry cardigan in the first picture - it's such an ace colour! I loved that story with you and Beth in the SMH! You're totally famous now, you know that, right?!

    1. haha Beth certainly is - I'm telling her I'm waiting on the book next! ;)

  32. congrats on being featured on my linkup, love!!! :)

    Sandy a la Mode

    1. Thank you, so happy to be featured! :)

  33. I cannot even try to decide which of these plaid looks I like better - they are both so fun and fabulous! Lucky you to be able to have first dibs on your sister's wardrobe. I have learned if I am trying to curb my shopping, I literally cannot even go to a clothing store because I will inevitably find something...

    1. Yep avoidance is my best trick too! :)

  34. Great combo! Love the Rebecca Minkoff bag too!

  35. You look cute in plaid Mica! I think you did well for your first no spend. They can be hard to do. I just try to buy little things for myself each month.

    1. Thanks Kim! I think I need to slow down my spending all round,s o it was good to try stop it for a month and see how I went! :)

  36. How good is the Marc Jacobs baby bag? I LOVE mine.. now that the kids are getting older I don't use it as much but actually got it out this week for a trip to the zoo and it was perfect. Jx

  37. Thank you all for your comments!


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