
Wednesday 3 July 2019

30 Ways To Wear: Purple Balenciaga Work Bag

Returning to the 30 wears series! I skipped it last month as I wasn't organised enough to plan it in advance with our Europe trip! In this usually monthly series, I pick a piece from my wardrobe I've worn over 30 times and go back through my blog archives to show you some of the ways I've worn it. There are a lot of different clothing choices and colour choices when you're wearing a purple bag.

30 Ways To Wear Purple Balenciaga Work Bag

30 ways to wear purple Balenciaga Work Bag | away from the blue blog

Cost Per Wear

I bought this bag at the end of my 6 month no shop challenge (that turned into an 7 months noshop in the end). While it was a bag from my bestie's wardrobe she no longer wanted, and so massively reduced off the retail price, it's still a Balenciaga so was a big splurge at $1,200. After 37 wears I'm still nowhere near the $1 a wear figure most people aim for. But as this bag is something I expect to be treasuring and loving for decades to come I'm sure I'll be reducing the cost per wear down nearer that figure over time!

30 Ways To Wear Purple Balenciaga Work Bag: Video Style

Balenciaga Purple Work Bag With Black and White

outfit ideas with purple balenciaga work bag : black and white style ideas | awayfromblue

The simplest of all the ways to wear a bright bag - pick a neutral outfit and then use the bright bag as a pop of colour. I love how much the purple Balenciaga work bag stands out against black and white, it's such a fun way to accessorise.

Balenciaga Work Bag With Pencil Skirts

5 ways to wear a purple Balenciaga work bag in the office | awayfromtheblue

My work bag goes to work with me a lot! The big oversized Balenciaga work bag is perfect if you need to carry a lot of things to the office, and as you can see in these pics it works so well with a pencil skirt. Just add a blazer for extra formality if you're worried a big purple bag is a big too casual for your workplace.

Purple Balenciaga Work Bag with Blue

4 outfit ideas blue and purple combination with balenciaga work bag | awayfromtheblue

There are a lot of different colour combinations you can try with a purple bag! I like wearing blue and purple together, so it's nice to wear a blue outfit and add a touch of colour with the purple bag. From deep navy to lighter and brighter blues, this raising purple Balenciaga work bag is great with so many different shades.

Balenciaga Work Bag With More Purple

5 ways to wear a purple balenciaga work bag with other purple pieces in your outfit | away from blue

If you have followed along with my blog for a while, you will know I like a little bit of matchy-matchy! If I'm wearing a bold bag like this purple Balenciaga bag, I like to match it with a little bit of purple in my outfit. From the print of a dress, a big blanket scarf, a purple cami or tee, or even a subtle match with a purple necklace, it's a good way to make your outfit look more cohesive. And as you can see, the shades don't need to match exactly!

Purple Balenciaga Work Bag with Pink

3 different ways to wear pink and purple with Balenciaga purple work bag | away from the blue blog

Another colour combo I love is purple and pink! These three outfits showcase beautifully how the purple Balenciaga work bag goes so nicely with pink - no matter the shade! I really like it with the pastel pink pencil skirt, but the hot pink necklace and pink printed tank are great combinations too.

Balenciaga Work Bag with Pink and Blue

colourful outfit ideas with Balenciaga raisin work bag pink purple and blue | awayfromblue

These outfits put the points above together! While it's nice to add two colours to an outfit, I've grouped my favourite colour combos above to create pink, blue and purple outfits of 3 colours. Again with different shades and different levels of colour - with the big blush blazer and blue printed dress, to more subtle with the pink fern print on the black dress and cobalt scarf and purple bag. Nice and colourful - even in the middle of winter!

Purple Balenciaga Work Bag With Prints

4 ways to wear a purple Balenciaga work bag with printed outfits | away from the blue

A plain, block colour bag is an easy outfit option with a print. You don't need to worry about the prints clashing, you can pick a bold bright bag to compliment any print you're wearing (although as you can see I'm partial to wearing it with a blue print!).

Where to Buy the Balenciaga Work Bag:

More Posts in The #30 Wears Handbag Series:

If you're looking for more outfit inspiration with this bag, you can see all 30+ ways I've worn it in my blog archives. I've included some links to other handbag related 30 wears posts below too. You can find the full post series by clicking here.

Linking up with Oh Hey Girl, Thursday Moda, Chic And Stylish, Top Of The World, Trendy Thursday, Fancy Friday, Lizzie In Lace, Friday Faves.

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  1. Years ago I had a real crush for that Balenciaga bag! I had 3: pink, white and red/coral and I've been wore them almost every day!
    Really I've never thought of purple color but i have to say that's relly nice!
    And super wereable! :)

    1. The Balenciaga moto is a classic, I couldn't resist getting it in a few colours either!

  2. I love this colour! I wouldn't usually wear purple, but I love the outfits you've put together with this bag!

  3. I have a Rebecca Minkoff bag in a similar color to this, so this is really fun to see! And I love that boucle (or maybe it's tweed?) jacket in the "with pink" outfit sets. Hope you are having a great week!

    1. Thanks, it's a boucle jacket and a favourite! :)

  4. I love the color of that bag. It goes with pretty much anything because it's such a "bold" color! (Even though its not that bold, haha)

  5. I love that you do these series because I love seeing the different ways you style things, plus it just shows how you can get so much use out of things! Hope you're having a lovely week so far :)
    Amy xx

    1. Thanks, I'm so glad you enjoy the series!

  6. I always love when you shared your 30 ways! Love the way you styled them!

  7. Amazing bag and so many great ideas how to wear it! Love all of these outfits!


  8. Well done, Mica! You really splurge on these designer bags, but I'm always really pleased to see how much you actually wear them - I think people are often afraid to wear them because they are expensive and therefore "special".

    Love the studs, the great colour and the interesting shape of this bag. Congrats!

    1. Thanks Sheila! I definitely want to get my money's worth from them!

  9. I like that you found so many different ways to work that bag! Great post.

  10. You know this purple Balenciaga looks great with all of these outfits. It is such a nice pop of colour. I love when you do these series when you show different way to wear a clothing item or a bag. Getting the most out of our clothes takes some practice but it can be done. This is especially important with all the sustainable fashion talk we're hearing lately. When we buy and wear only the things we actually use then we are helping the environment.

    1. Thanks Ivana - I'm enjoying this series and you're so right, it's better to rewear what we have than buy new all the time.

  11. Wow! One bag, 30 ways to wear it, I'm speechless!! :)

  12. I wouldn't immediately think a purple bag would be that versatile but you have definitely shown that it works with a number of different color combinations. I'm sure that as you keep using it you'l keep getting closer to your cost per wear goal. I swear by that as a measure for all of my pricey purchases.

    1. It is definitely a versatile bag! I love showing that bright accessories can be more practical than you first think!

  13. I have the same bag in black... it's very comfy and versatile!
    I love this purple color too!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


  14. Oh my, that bag is really versatile!

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

  15. You've managed to make your purple Balenciaga bag match so well with various outfits! Although purple is a statement color, I love how you were able to match it so effortlessly with all these options.


  16. Dicas maravilhosas amei a bolsa, obrigado pela visita.

  17. Such a beautiful and versatile bag! You styled it in so many great ways!


  18. You definitely show how amazing a purple bag can be!

  19. You got a good cost per wear out of this bag! But you always do!

  20. These ideas are all beautiful... Very nice bag!

  21. One bag and so many possibilities - it's a proof that sometimes it's good to have one solid bag and you can use them in so many different ways.

    Have a lovely weekend dear xx

  22. I love how you always show so many ways to wear an item in this series:) Purple goes so well with many colours for sure! I never really knew it pairs well with pink but it so does! With the size and hardware, how is the weight, Mica?
    Hope you're having a lovely week so far:)

    1. It's actually really light despite the giant hardware! It's so nice to wear :)

  23. What a beautiful bag! Love your outfits!

  24. That bag is timeless piece. I love shape of it and color is so unique. Also you look so beautiful in all of these outfits. Thank you for inspiration.

    New Post -

  25. I love the color of the bag and the different outfits you wore! Wonderful idea to use it as a pop of color.

    xo, Maria

  26. This is one versatile bag and you have done justice to it stylishly Mica. Great outfits all around! :-)

  27. 30 wears you are well on your way. But $1 a wear wow, you still have a ways to go, but with such a fun bag in such a fun color you certainly won't mind!

    Allie of

    1. haha yes I am not sure when I'll hit that magic "$1' a wear people aim for with this bag, but I'll have fun getting there!

  28. You have really shown how versatile this bag is! I wouldn't think purple would work but it's really makes all the looks stand out even more.

  29. Even though it was a splurge, that bag has still seen a lot of use! It's nice you were able to get it used so it was less. I just love the shade of purple!

    1. You can find some real bargains secondhand if you know how to authenticate or buy from trusted sources :)

  30. I love to see these 30 Ways, posts. You do such a nice job of reusing your pieces and all your outfits are perfect. Well done. Hope you have a nice weekend. - Amy

  31. I think a good designer bag is always worth the splurge, and even if it takes a while, I know you will eventually get down to your dollar per wear!
    Chic on the Cheap

    1. I will have fun trying to get there!

  32. This is my favorite series that you do on your blog.

  33. I love your 30 wears posts, Mica! This really is a gorgeous bag! I love the colour and style and it really looks great with absolutely everything! XXX

  34. Your 30 wears posts are always so interesting. You find so many wonderful creative ways to wear your pieces. This bag is no exception.

    my favorite outfits have to be the ones where you match the bag to some other purple item in your outfit.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

  35. Ah, my comment got lost in space.

    I really like the concept of this post! Great job! (I may have to copy you).

    1. Copy away! I took the #30wears challenge idea from the 'True cost' docco on Netflix so I don't own it!

  36. I really love this bag of yours dear. So versatile.
    Jessica |

  37. Love your vintage Chanel handbag!

    1. Thanks, I think you may have meant to post that on my other post :)

  38. That is an excellent sized bag and a great colour! I do like purple!

  39. Thanks all for your kind comments - I'm always so happy to see everyone enjoys this series! :)

  40. Thanks for sharing you style Mica, glad you joined the #linkup up too. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  41. Oh, wow I have never paid over 1,000 USD for a hand bag (you have seen prices I pay)- so this is quite a splurge even if it was from your friend's closet. But knowing you I am sure in the long run you will get a fab cost per wear. If not you can always sell it because I also see that you take good care of your bags.


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