
Friday 7 December 2018

Plain Tees and Printed Maxi Skirts With Rebecca Minkoff Bags

When the heat hits, I look for simple easy outfits that don't have any unnecessary layers. A plain tee and a printed maxi skirt is simple summer style. And spring style, as I wore these a few weeks ago when it was still spring!

What I wore: 

plain black tee, billabong boho printed red maxi skirt, rebecca minkoff sandals saddle bag SAHM Style | awayfromblue

Rebecca Minkoff unlined saddle bag in cherry red | awayfromtheblue

two fashion bloggers printed maxi skirts plain tees colourful spring SAHM style outfit | awayfromtheblue
NecklaceJeanswest Taryn turquoise tassel bead necklace
TeeAtmos & Here black essential v-neck tee
Skirt: thrifted Billabong red printed maxi skirt
ShoesRebecca Minkoff Georgina studded gladiator sandals in blush
BagRebecca Minkoff unlined saddle bag in cherry red (on sale in blue!)

Why I wore it:

I adore this skirt so much and it was the first one that came to mind when picking an outfit to wear to meet Sasha. It's so light in the heat and swishes beautifully when you walk, kind of creating its own breeze. The day was forecast to be extremely hot, so we ended up spending more time indoors than anticipated.

Sasha is another Brisbane blogger and while she lives a little distance away from me, we caught up at a mid point in the city, at the state library. The cafe there was lovely and very quiet until I showed up with the boys! In the end we ducked into the kids play area at the library so the boys could run around a little more and we could continue chatting. Always so nice meeting another blogging friend in person, even more so when they are as interesting as Sasha. We spoke for a couple of hours, which seemed to be over in a few minutes, before I took the boys for lunch in the city and headed home.

Keeping things simple with the outfit, I went with a neutral black tee, a red bag to match the red skirt, and my latest necklace purchase to match the gold hardware on the bag. You can see why I enjoy Sasha's blog so much, we have very similar style! Thanks to Mr 4 who kindly took the photo for us.

Last worn: black tee, tassel necklace, red printed maxi skirt, studded sandals, Rebecca Minkoff saddle bag.

Other ways to wearblack tee and olive jeans, red printed maxi skirt and Christmas tee, studded sandals worn 30 ways, Rebecca Minkoff saddle bag worn 30 ways.

Rebecca Minkoff Handbag Collection

What I wore:

jeanswest red terracotta emma woven trim tee navy stripe maxi skirt rebecca minkoff love bag | awayfromtheblue

Rebecca Minkoff Love cross body bag in grey | away from the blue blog

awayfromtheblue instagram | red and navy striped maxi skirt outfit SAHM style with Rebecca Minkoff Love bag
Necklace: silk beaded baby-friendly necklace
TeeJeanswest Emma woven trim tee in terracotta
Skirt: Target navy side split maxi skirt
Shoesblack slim Havaianas thongs
BagRebecca Minkoff Love cross body bag in grey

Why I wore it:

Thankfully this day wasn't as hot as the one above. As you can see, there was even a bit of a breeze! I kept to the simple outfit formula I'd liked so much above, going a little more colourful this time with the basic red tee and navy striped maxi skirt. I accessorised with the baby friendly necklace as we spent the morning at our local ABA group, the topic was baby / toddler massage.

The last time I did a baby massage class my now 2 and a half year old was a tiny little 3 week old, so I was really looking forward to it! I went in with two very eager to help little boys, which quickly turned into me chasing kids around the room in between attempting to practice the massage techniques. I definitely don't do the massage techniques as often as I should, but there are so many benefits to it so I'm going to try do it more often. It's a lot more fun to do when the boys are big enough to give feedback on what they like too!

Stuck with this neutral Rebecca Minkoff Love bag as I still had it out after wearing it a few days before and the grey was a good pairing with the brighter red and navy outfit.

Last worn: red tee, silk necklace, navy striped maxi skirt, Havaianas, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag.

Other ways to wearred tee and jeans, navy striped maxi skirt worn two ways, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag worn 30 ways.

Perfect for pregnancyRebecca Minkoff Love bag in second trimester.

Printed Maxi Skirts Under $50:

How You Can Wear It

Printed maxi skirts can be a little daunting as they are such large pieces of print! You can keep things easy and simple by picking a plain tee to wear with them. You can go with a neutral black like I did in the first outfit, or try something different and add a little more colour like in the second outfit. You can't go wrong pairing a plain basic with a fun printed piece!

Linking up with Friday Faves, Weekend Linkup, Lizzie In Lace, Sunday Reflections, On Mondays We Link Up, Start The Week Stylish.

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  1. What a lovely surprise to see the photo from the day we met up, Mica! ;) It was such a great day and so lovely to meet you and the boys. We should definitely meet up again soon over the school holidays. I loved the outfit you wore that day: definitely my style! ;) Thanks so much for the mention on your blog & to Mr 4 who took such a good photo! Hope you have a lovely weekend, Mica! Say hi to the boys! ;) XXX

    1. We should definitely meet up again! I had so much fun and I loved that we both wore such similar outfits! :)

  2. Your outfit is lovely. The details are always important and helpful when completing a look. You look so comfy and cute.


  3. The first skirt is gorgeous Mica and you look fab darling!


  4. Mica I really like both of them - are so so boho, you look fabolus dear - Have a lovely weekend xx

  5. The handbag paired with the first outfit looks so pretty! Love the bright color x


  6. Love Rebecca Minkoff bags! I adore your relaxed casual looks.

  7. Your blogger get together sounds so fun! And honestly, you have the best Rebecca Minkoff Bag collection!!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    1. It was so fun! And yes, I do love my Rebecca Minkoff bags, haha! :)

  8. Loving all the reds! That first necklace is such a fun shape. And I just love the color of that Saddle Bag

  9. I love the orange colour on you! Have a lovely weekend.

    Gemma x

  10. You are the queen of wearing maxi anything, Mica:) Both skirts are great. Really love how versatile both pieces are, even the bright orange one! And yay for meeting fellow awesome bloggers:) Frankly, meeting another blogger would probably be scary for me as I am so socially awkward:P

    1. haha yes, I am so awkward, but Sasha is so nice, I had a wonderful time! :)

  11. I love that first maxi skirt! I don't remember seeing it before. Fun to meet up with another blogger. You look so cute in both outfits.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    1. I should wear it more often - it was a great thrift find from my fave store that's now sadly shut down :(

  12. Loving that saddle bag! Your colours are so cheery! So jealous it’s your Spring! Full winter here

    Angela |

  13. So funny you both picked the same outfit formula when meeting up, it seems to be a Brisbane blogger outfit.

    Anne - Linda, Libra, Loca

    1. The best outfit to deal with the heat of the day, haha!

  14. Your blogger get together sounds like so much fun! I love your red maxi skirt and that bag is the cutest!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. It was so fun to catch up with Sasha! :)

  15. Oh that skirt in the first outfit is everything. Bold and beautiful!! I'm a sucker of stripes so the second outfit is a winner too. :-)

  16. You have a lovely bag collection. I love your maxi skirt and casual top. So cute. Send some heat wave our way. I am freezing over here :)

    1. haha I'd gladly have sent some of the heatwave your way!

  17. The meet up sounds like a lot of fun. I suck at giving my daughter massages. My husband gives them to her.

  18. So cute Mica! Envious of your outfit. Its freezing over here and I'm trying to find the best coat which seems impossible.

    S | Je M'appelle Chanel

  19. Isn t it great to meet other bloggers! I love that! Have a good weekend dear.

    1. It is, especially when they are as sweet as Sasha! :)

  20. Nice to see this saddle bag again of yours again, I love red bags. Thanks for the recent comment you made in my blog, unfortunately I was hacked somebody published a new post in which you commented. But your comment alerted me and I deleted that post that I didn't publish. May you have a fun weekend inspite of the heat!

    1. I am so glad you could get your blog back - how scary it was hacked!

  21. The cherry red bag is so cute, love the color and design of it!! x


  22. I really like color of first Rebecca Minkoff bag! It is so unique and I need the same bag for next Spring/Summer season!

    Blog -
    YouTube –

  23. Very nice outfits, i really liked
    that red bag :D kisses ^^

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  24. Your outfit is very lovely and colorful.

  25. Love that orange skirt Mica so bright and lovely, your blogger meet sounds great I wish I had more blogger friends in my life too! Your boys sound so cute! Happy Holidays, hope you are having a wonderful weekend xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

    1. It is fun being able to catch up with someone who knows the blog world well! :)

  26. So nice that you had the time to meet another blogger and have a fun chat. It's always great to connect with the person behind a blog that you like reading.
    I like your two print skirts!

    1. Definitely! It was so fun to meet up in person :)

  27. It's so funny that you're talking about the heat and Summer. We're (most of the USA) is wet right now and the mountain ranges are getting snow. I love seeing your warm-weather outfits and I love your Minkoff bags!

  28. I agree that maxi skirts are great for the Summer! Both of these outfits look really cool and comfy!

  29. The accessories really make this outfit. Of course, you had me at the color red!

  30. I love how you styled your maxi dress! It goes together really well - big plus when your bag matches, hehe. I love how you have quite a collection of RM bags! Great for so many different outfit combinations!

    Nancy ♥

    1. haha yes, I can never resist a little matchy-matchy!

  31. I love how well the bag, jewelry, and skirt go together in the first photo. Such a gorgeous look!

    xo, Sarah

  32. I love maxi skirts. I think that'll be my thing next summer. You have so many cool bags, very jealous :)

  33. Love maxi skirts in warmer weather! So comfortable and stylish. Lovely outfits xx

  34. Love the first outfit! That skirt is so gorgeous and I like how you styled it!

    Have a wonderful day!:)

  35. Such a beautiful skirt on you! And Rebecca Minkoff can do no wrong <3
    Green Fashionista

  36. I love maxi skirts even in the winter! Totally obsessed with the red one in the first outfit!
    Kisses, Paola.


  37. Orange often doesn't get the attention it deserves, so I'm happy to see you wear it. Orange's such a happy colour, isn't it? I do like both of these outfits, they are both lovely but the first one is my fav because that orange maxi is so gorgeous and it looks great paired with a darker top. The second outfit is lovely as well. Orange top and a navy blue skirt work really well.

    I do understand about the heat, once it gets really warm, it is best to keep things simple. Maxi skirts are such a life saver during the warmer months. Have a lovely week ahead darling!

    I'm not sure is 100 metres available on Netflix, I only found information that it is available of Canadian Netflix but I'm not sure does that help. It's a great film, what I found most touching is how it showed the way family members can and should support one another. I think that's always important but especially so when there is someone suffering from any kind of illness or going through a difficult time in general.

    1. it's a shame that film isn't available on Netflix Australia, it does sound like a really nice film :) I like orange, but the skirt's red :)

  38. Love

  39. You always look so cute in your maxis! Love your red bag too!

    <3 Shannon 
    Upbeat Soles

  40. It feels so strange to hear about the hot weather you are getting! Here in England it's getting really chilly! Love your red bag, what a great collection you have! xx Maria

  41. I don't own a maxi skirt but it occurred to me last month that I need one. I love how easy it is to wear and still look put together. That's so nice that you and your friend had a chance to meet up. Blogging buddies are the best and I hope to meet more blogging friends in the future. Your red RM bag is beautiful but as you know I might be biased as I am an RM fan! I hope you had a great weekend and happy Monday!

    Maureen |

    1. Yes, I'd love to meet more bloggers sometime! :) Maxi skirts are the best I think! :)

  42. I particularly love that first outfit, it's just such a lovely color and print. It goes very well with both the jewelry and the bag.

  43. I love how the colors coordinate with each other in these two looks--they go together so well :) Both of those skirts are so fun, that orange print one is a favorite! How great to get to meet up with another blogger too, it sounds like a good time!

  44. These are cute and breezy skirts dear. Love how you styled it with your choices of tops. Makes the pattern pop out more.

    Jessica |

  45. Thanks all for your lovely comments - it's a shame the skirt showed up as orange for some of you, it's a really lovely red in person :)

  46. We are transitioning from rainy season to summer so it's been humid and hot here.
    My fave here it the red skirt. I am actually wondering how that skirt would look with the red top from the second look for a monochromatic style...


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