
Monday 31 August 2020

30 Ways To Wear: Balenciaga City Bag Sorbet Pink & Weekday Wear Link Up

Today's Weekday Wear Post is another from the 30 wears series, showing you 30 ways I've worn this sorbet pink Balenciaga city bag.

Each month I search through my blog archives to find something I've worn 30 ways or more over the years I've owned it, to put this post together and give you some ideas and inspiration for how you can wear something similar in your own wardrobe. The Weekday Wear Linkup is at the end of the post for you to link up your latest style post!

30 Ways to Wear: Balenciaga Sorbet Pink City Bag

30 ways to wear balenciaga sorbet pink city bag outfit ideas | Away From Blue Blog

Despite being a very vibrant pink, this bag is so versatile and goes with a lot of my wardrobe. I really like blue and pink together, and have a lot of blue in my wardrobe, so you can see why this bag has fit in so well!

Cost Per Wear

I ordered this bag from the Balenciaga London boutique back in 2010, at over 10 years old it's held up really well! Definitely showing its age more now, but still a bag I adore and I like the broken in slouch it has. It's been worn over 60 times in those 10 years so it's held up well! Sometimes I wore the bag in two outfits on those posts that I found in my blog search, but those are harder to count without going through every pic so we will say 60 wears. 

Unfortunately the only record I have of the sale is in pounds, as I ordered from the UK store and I don't remember the exchange rate. It was £799.15, including the £80(!!!) shipping. That works out at £13.32 a wear so far. Still pretty high but for a splurge-worthy bag like this I see myself using for a long time still I know I'll get the cost per wear down much further.

30 Ways To Wear: Video Style

Pink Balenciaga City Bag With A Little Black Dress

4 ways to wear little black dresses with pink balenciaga sorbet city bag  awayfromblue

Probably the simplest way to wear a pink bag - against a black outfit! I have a few little black dresses (a couple which were my go-tos during my pregnancies too) so it's no surprise I've worn this pink bag with a black dress so often.

Pink Bag As A Pop Of Colour

4 ways to wear Balenciaga city bag as a pop of colour with outfit awayfromblue

Of course it's not just black that this pink bag pops with! It goes really nicely with other neutrals like grey or white, and it's so simple to add it to an outfit as a bright pop of colour. It stands out so well on it's own it is a great pop of colour.

Pink Balenciaga City Bag Matching Other Pink Pieces In An Outfit

5 ways to wear pink balenciaga city bag sorbet 2010 with matching pieces in outfit away from blue

Matchy-matchy is one of my favourite ways to wear a bright bag though and I find a lot of pink things in my outfit go with this bag, even if the shades are different. Something like the Balenciaga studded sandals which were a lucky sale find on a Melbourne trip and match the bag exactly, or a pink belt, necklace, scarf, even pink in the print of a top or a more subtle match with pink sunglasses! I really like finding different pieces to match with this bag.

Pink Bag With Purple Pieces In An Outfit

3 pink and purple accessory outfit ideas away from blue blog

There are some colour combinations I consistently wear with this pink Balenciaga city bag. I think pink and purple go so well together and while I have worn this pink bag with the purple leopard print scarf a few times I think it goes nicely with other shades of purple like the cardigan in the middle.

Pink Balenciaga City Bag With Blue Outfits

5 ways to wear Balenciaga city bag in sorbet pink RH with blue outfits different shades awayfromtheblue

This is easily one of my most worn colour combinations with this bag, and I definitely had an overabundance of blue outfits with this pink bag to chose from for this post when I searched through my blog archives! It just compliments it so well, the sorbet pink goes with any shade of blue from navy to a lighter blue, and it works with prints, tops, skirts, dresses...

Pink Bag In Office Outfits

4 outfit ideas with balenciaga pink sorbet city bag in the office awayfromtheblue

The Balenciaga city is a very relaxed style of bag, and a very bold pink! I still think it can work in an office environment though - and back when we still worked in offices, this got a lot of wear. It was nice to have a fun, cheerful and colourful item on my desk to make me smile! And despite the relaxed slouchy style the city bag works well with a pencil skirt or sheath dress.

Pink Balenciaga City Bag In Pregnancy

5 outfit ideas balenciaga city bag in pregnancy all trimesters sorbet pink colour awayfromblue

Having had this sorbet pink Balenciaga city bag over 10 years, I've had it before I had both my boys and so I've been able to wear and enjoy it in my pregnancies with them, so it's fun to look back on. And no matter how big the baby bump gets, a handbag will always fit!

Just for fun, here's a comparison of the first time I wore the bag 10 years ago and the most recent time I've worn it. I love the broken in slouch of this bag!

awayfromtheblue blog balenciaga 2010 sorbet city bag then and now broken in aged slouchy

Where To Buy Pink Balenciaga City Bag:

Weekday Wear Linkup #85

Welcome to the Weekday Wear linkup! A linkup for you to share your weekday outfits - whether that is office wear or stay at home mum wear - if you wore it on a weekday, you can link it up!

1. Please link to a specific outfit post, not your blog homepage.
2. Link back to this post so others can find the link up.
3. Follow your host Away From The Blue on BloglovinInstagramTwitterFacebook or YouTube.
4. Add up to two posts and be sure to visit and comment on as many other posts as possible to get some weekday outfit inspiration!
Optional: tweet the post you linked up with the hashtag #weekdayWearLinkUp so I can retweet!

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  1. I love your 30 ways to wear something posts. It is always a great inspiration for us to be more environmentally friendly and wear the things we have. You really got a lot of wear from that Balenciaga bag. Very pretty bag too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, they are so fun to put together!

  2. this bag is gorgeous! the color is everything so vibrant and happy. I also know this bag is very comfortable being roomy and everything. You definitely rock it

  3. I couldn't agree more that this is such a versatile bag. The color is beautiful and it looks so great with all these chic look Mica. Thanks for the link up!

  4. I adore the pink colour, and of course to wear it against a black outfit is the best way! really stands out!

    x Natalie
    Lucy and the Runaways - Blog and Instagram

  5. I love the color of that bag! It's so perfect with all these looks, but I think I like it with blue the best, pink + navy is such a pretty combo.

  6. These are such cute looks for fall! I love that color, it's so girly and fun. <3

    xo Danai @ Living, Learning, Eating

  7. I love how many different ways you've been able to use this bag! It adds such a lovely splash of colour. And it is wonderful that you have taken such good care of that gorgeous bag over the years. It still looks like new!
    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. It has aged really well! It's a great bag :)

  8. I love how you have shown how versatile a pink bag can be! I used to have a really pretty leather bag in this same shade of pink and I am not sure if I still have it somewhere. I need to look!


    1. Hope you can find it - it will go with so much!

  9. What a gorgeous bag and so versatile! I love the color and all of this inspo! Thank you for the linkup!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  10. It's such a pretty bag! And the brightness means it can go with pretty much everything! You'll definitely have and love it for at least 10 more years so that cost per wear will go wayyyy down!

    1. Yes I don't think I'll ever part with this! I'll get that cost per wear down ;)

  11. So pretty!! :)

  12. 10 years is a long time!!! Sometimes when you spend more it ends up paying off in the long run, like this purchase. I love the color and how it makes a statement on it's own with every outfit you paired it with. I especially loved it against the black & white stripped dress.

    1. Yes I think handbags are good things to splurge on so they last longer! :)

  13. So many different ways! Hard to pick a favorite.


  14. This is a beautiful bag, and I like seeing all of the inspiring ways you have worn it! I love the color pink and wear it a lot, it adds a cheerful pop of color to an outfit as an accessory. Thanks for hosting this link up, and have a wonderful week!

  15. Mica, I love this blog post SO much!! I love seeing all the different ways you've worn your pink purse over the years, it's so helpful. Dividing the pics up into categories is also very smart, and I was so excited to see you included cost per wear. I've been wanting to start doing posts like these but some of my photos from the early years of blogging are SO bad that I'm not sure I want them to see the light of day again, haha.
    Hope you're having a great start to your week!

    Miles of smiles,

    1. I think you should go for it! It's a fun trip down memory lane looking back and nice to see how outfits and style has evolved!

  16. Such a classically chic bag and such a pretty color <3

    Green Fashionista

  17. I really like how the pink accents so well with all of your outfits. It's great that you can get and count up all of year wears!


    1. Yes using my blog as my daily outfit diary has come in so helpful here!

  18. WOW, this is Post really amazing, dear Mica! The Balenciage Bag is beautiful and so versatile. I love all of your outfits. They are very pretty and cute. You look geourgeous!
    I love your feminine style and would like to wear all your clothes myself :-)))
    xxxxx Nadine

  19. I love these posts when you gather all the ways you wore something! This is quite a versatile purse. I love how it pops against everything and it is fun to see all the hair styles and baby bumps pics!

    1. I love getting to look back on the baby bump days! :)

  20. Its such a pretty bag! Nothing better than putting a pop of colour in an outfit using a handbag!

  21. You've definitely gotten the price's worth out of it! It's a great bag for adding pops of color!

  22. So many beautiful wears for your lovely pink bag! I love pink, but it doesn’t love me. Still, from reading your post, it occurs to me that I could sneak some pink into my outfits with a pink bag. Awesome!


    1. Glad I could give you an idea to try! A pink bag can go with so much!

  23. Hi Mica
    I love this type of post, you give us so many ideas on how to use this bag, in a formal or more casual way, pregnant, in shorts, there are so many ideas that just prove how versatile this bag is !! It was really worth the money it cost !!

  24. All photos are beautiful.
    Have a nice week.

  25. So many cute looks! Love it with the black dress and also the snakeskin dress with the denim jacket!


  26. Hi Mica I love the combination of pink and purple too. I can't believe that bag has lasted so long and is in good condition too! I hope you and your family enjoy your week. It's starting to get a little chilly in the UK now : ) xo

  27. This bag is gorgeous, Mica, and it looks amazing with all these looks! It's definitely worth splurging on a timeless good quality bag as the cost per wear is so low!
    Julia x

  28. Wow 60 times!! That is truly impressive but what is more impressive is how you keep track! And indeed I would not think a hot pink bag would match with so much, but here you proved it does. And makes more sense then black. Could you imagine all these looks with a black bag? Or white? Or beige or gray? Good job!

    Allie of

    1. the blog makes it easy to keep track and search in the archives. I wish I'd been regularly documenting my outfits before the blog so I knew how many times I wore this before I started blogging!

  29. What a great investment that bag has been—this just proves it! What's even more amazing is that it's pink! Some items are truly worth the splurge, and this is one of them :)
    Cheryl Shops |

  30. This is exactly why a bright purse is such a good idea. I had no idea they were that expensive!!

  31. I find it amazing that you keep track of how many time you use a pruse.

    1. the blog makes it easy to keep track as I can search through the archives :)

  32. That bag is pink perfection! It compliments so many outfits! I wouldn't have though it was so versatile!

  33. Wow this is a great city bag
    Good post

  34. Such a lovely bag, Mica. Love its colour, no wonder it's been featured so many times in your outfits. Have a great week

  35. This bag is definitely an investment, but've styled it in so many lovely ways it's definitely worth it! I think my fave is the one with the blue outfits:) I need a Balenciaga:D
    Hope you are all keeping safe over there:)

  36. The bag is such a pretty shade of pink! It's perfect for all year round and loving all of these outfits! You have such beautiful dresses!!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  37. A Balenciaga is such an investment because it lasts FOREVER and works with literally everything!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  38. Love how you're showcasing just how versatile pink can be! I had a pink bag myself I wore quite often. I gave it to a family member because it was no longer my style, I do want a pink one that fits more with my current life(style). Thanks for the inspo!


  39. Your bag is super, and I love the colour pink. Jacqui x

  40. So many ways to style it! I love the wearing it with blue section, it really pops and the colours complement each other. How cool that you've had the bag for 10 years!

    Loren | Plaid + Sugar

  41. I'm crazy for Balenciaga and you styled it up perfectly:)

  42. Wow, talk about longevity! I love that you've had this bag for 10 years, still love it, and find new ways to style it.

    I hope you are having a great week!



    Follow Avec Amber on Bloglovin

  43. one bag and like we can see hundreds possibilities of outfits. This Balanciaga bag is so stunning and immortal :-)

    Have a lovely day xx

  44. I really liked hearing your sweet voice!! That bag is a great piece. I need to spend more time and effort picking out a purse this fall. I haven't had a new bag in a year or more and it's time. Crazy how versatile that pink can be. Love it with the striped belted dress. And with the pretty blue paisley dress especially.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the video! It is surprisingly versatile!

  45. Durability has ten years to prove the quality is indeed good.
    There is a price.

  46. What a great article! That Balenciaga bag is so beautiful pink, and it is amazing that the bag goes well with many different clothes.
    I was really inspired! Thank you so much<3


  47. Phew, I made the link-up in time! Thank you for hosting! I've been so busy lately, and am just getting caught up on blogs.

    I love the pink bag - so beautiful, but wow, that's a lot of money! I cast no aspersions, as someone who has spent $400 on shoes multiple times! We all have our weaknesses! :)

    Have a fabulous rest of your week, my dear friend!

    1. Thanks for still linking up! Yes, everyone has their splurges, haha! :)

  48. Love the bag - and the color. I LOVE handbags, but get in a rut, especially if I find one that works for me. I hate to change bags (though I have a lot of them). I can never find anything when I change. Interesting 'cost per year' of use. I may have to start thinking about that too.
    Grace & Peace,Iris

  49. That bag is lovely and versatile :-D

  50. It's great that you've gotten so much wear out of this bag. And it is in really good condition. I never would have thought it was a 10 year old bag.

    Thanks for sharing all the styling ideas!

    Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style

  51. Your pink Balenciaga bag is gorgeous and the fact that it has reached 30 wears certainly does prove its versatility! I hope you had a good week, Mica. I've been away and I'm currently trying to catch up with blog comments :-) xxx

  52. I did not think i needed a pink bag, until now! Haha.

  53. Thanks all for your kind comments - and for linking up!


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