
Friday 3 August 2018

30 Ways To Wear: Rebecca Minkoff Love Crossbody Bag (#30wears)

This month's 30 ways to wear is another handbag, my Rebecca Minkoff quilted Love bag. As well as showing you 30 ways to wear the Love bag, I've added some FAQ at the end around the 30 wears challenge.

You can see last month's 30 ways to wear a blazer here or the previous handbag edition with 30 ways to wear a Louis Vuitton Neverfull tote.

30 Ways To Wear: Rebecca Minkoff Quilted Love Cross Body Bag in Grey

Cost Per Wear

This is one of the handbags I have difficulty calculating cost per wear of - as it was a gift from my mum! I've had it for 3 and a half years now, and I've worn it over 60 times since then, so it's pretty good cost per wear considering I didn't spend anything on it! The love crossbody bag is on the Rebecca Minkoff site for $148 US / $212 AU (reduced from US $295) so I'm pretty happy with over 60 wears so far. Especially as I am planning to continue wearing it for many more years.

30 Ways To Wear Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag In Video Form:

Love Bag With Studded Guitar Strap

Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag ways to wear with studded Guitar Strap | away from the blue blog

I thought this guitar strap would be a nice addition to my bags, but had no idea how much I'd love wearing it with the Love bag! It's quickly become my favourite way to wear this bag, I love the embellishment of the strap to add a little more interest to a neutral, classically shaped bag. You can see a full review on the guitar strap here.

Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag Worn Cross Body

Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag outfit ideas worn cross body | awayfromblue

I do like occasionally wearing the chain strap at its fullest length and wearing it cross body as it was designed to be worn. This is a really good option for kid wrangling as it lets you be completely hands-free and you don't have to worry about the bag falling off your shoulder. I do wear the strap doubled over most of the time though to work with my petite frame, as you'll see from the rest of my outfit photos below!

Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag With Denim

Quilted Love Bag 4 ways to wear with skinny jeans | awayfromtheblue

This bag works so nicely with denim! Not just your standard blue either, I've worn it with printed jeans as well as metallic ones. It's a good way to dress up denim a little more.

Love Bag with Maxi Dresses

Rebecca Minkoff quilted grey Love bag outfit ideas maxi dresses | away from the blue blog

Maxi dresses are a wardrobe staple for me, and this Love bag is something I frequently wear with them. When you have a big bold printed dress, a classic neutral bag like the Love crossbody is an easy accessory.

Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag With Dresses

Quilted cross body grey Love Bag Ways to Wear with dresses | awayfromtheblue blog

It's not just maxi dresses that this bag works with! I like pairing it with all kinds of dresses - and as you can see from the middle one it still works with a simple summer dress even in winter, with the right layers of course.

Love Bag With Skirts

Rebecca Minkoff quilted love bag: ways to wear with skirts | awayfromtheblue

Just as the love bag works with dresses, it works well with skirts too. I like the feminine quilting detail paired with skirts, and I love all three of these outfits although they are so different.

Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag With Shorts

Rebecca Minkoff Love bag ways to wear with shorts in summer | away from the blue blog

You can see from the previous ways I've worn this bag, but the neutral grey is really a good all-round colour that works in any season. I do really like wearing the quilted love bag with shorts in summer though, it works with all the different kinds of shorts I have in my wardrobe.

Love Bag With Prints

Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag outfit ideas with prints | away from blue 30 wears blog post

Because it's a neutral grey, I like to wear this Love bag with prints. From something as simple as a printed dress, to a print mixing outfit or something like bright red pants and a printed tank, it's a good neutral accessory to add that won't clash with a print.

Where To Buy The Rebecca Minkoff Love Bag:

Looking For More Outfit Inspiration?

I hope you enjoyed this wrap up post with some of the ways I've worn this cute charcoal grey Rebecca Minkoff quilted Love bag. For more ways to wear it, check out my blog archives and see all 60+ outfits: more ways to wear Rebecca Minkoff Love bag.

Frequently Asked Questions About 30 Wears:

What Is 30 Wears?

It's a challenge I decided to start doing monthly after watching 'The True Cost' documentary on Netflix. One of the points raised to reduce the environmental impact of fashion was to commit to buying everything you wear at least 30 times.
Seems simple, until you do the maths. It's wearing it around 3 times a month for a year if it's something you can wear year round, or 5 times a month for a year if it's something seasonal you can only wear for 6 months of the year. Of course the longer you own things, the more time you have to hit 30 wears over the years.

How Do You Come Up With 30 Ways To Wear Things?

I don't think up 30 ways to wear things I buy! I just look in my blog archives for things I've worn more than 30 times and compile these posts. As I've been taking a photo of my outfits each day for most of the past 6 years, I've got plenty of past outfits to look back on, and I can see the different ways I've worn things over time.

Linking up with Lizzie In Lace, Weekend Linkup, Friday Faves, Mix It Monday, On Mondays We Link Up, Modest Monday.

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  1. Such a cute bag and love how you have styled it with all these outfits.


  2. I love RM! I am debating getting her belt bag! This Love bag is one of the best bags out there. Not only is it well made but I love the staying power of this bag. It is a classic for years to come. You have an amazing collection!

    Maureen |

    1. Thanks Maureen! I really think it's a classic too :) You'd love the belt bag!

  3. I do my cost per wear post the same way. I have never done a post on a gifted item before. Its always nice when you can get a lot of use out of a hand bag. I'm still amazed at how you change you handbag out a lot. I normal carry the same handbag for a year before change it to a new one. I'm currently carrying a diaper bag and just change my wallet to a different one. For the first time in over a year.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Yes I find I'm increasingly doing these posts of items my mum bought me - she knows my style so well, haha! :)

      I tend to put things in little pouches so it's easy to swap them around in bags, just grab a pouch or two and my wallet and pop it in a new bag :) A lot of my bags fit inside the baby bag too.

  4. This handbag is so beautiful and fits with everything. Seems a must have item x


  5. I don't half half as much clothes as you have, but I wonder if I hit 30 wears on my clothes. Seeing you do the maths made me realize how often it actually is.

    Anne - Linda, Libra, Loca

    1. It seems like an easily achievable number until you stop to think about it!

  6. I do love that bag! It's such a gorgeous color, a perfect shade of grey

  7. What a versatile bag and I like how it's transformed with the guitar strap! I've been thinking about gettin a silver bag and wondering if it's worth the high cost.

    1. I definitely think it's worth it - especially if you score it on sale! :)

  8. I think it's a great idea to work out cost per wear. It is a lovely bag and although it is seemingly quite expensive, once you've worked it out per wear it's a bargain! #weekendbloghop

    1. Yes it's definitely going to be worth it when you calculate cost per wear!

  9. I'm a huge fan of crossbody bags because of they're super practical, comfortable and always stylish. Your Rebecca Minkoff Love bag is such a cutie and also a classic model that will never go out of style. I loved it paired with prints because the bag has a solid color and it stands out. Thanks for all the creative outfit ideas, gorgeous!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  10. it's great that you got 30 wears out of this bag already! I love all of the outfits you wore this bag with.

    1. It's definitely a go-to bag for me! :)

  11. great way to mix up a handbag! fun idea for a post!

  12. I love this bag! It looks like a chanel le boy bag but much much affordable haha. And very fashionable as well! Love all your looks.

    Sheena |

    1. haha yes, similar style, with a much more affordable price! :)

  13. These are always great posts to read - in fact as I was reading it, I began to wonder how many times i had worn my Moschino bucket bag here
    because I saw it was beginning to fall apart... and I was about to do a post, like yours and then after I counted 55 times I gave up ;)

    1. haha yes it's hard to count the ones that you get a lot of use from! I'm lucky I label things on the blog so it's easy to count it up!

  14. I'm with Amy - I haven't changed my main daily bag in over 2 years! This is such a cute grey bag, and I especially like it with the switched-out guitar strap. Such a fun way to change it up.

    I admire the stamina for looking up all of those wears on your blog! I see that you use the tags for it - I used to do that for my clothes, but it became too onerous (hence the "last worn here" links). I don't get 30 wears out of many of my clothes, but I do always keep the cost-per-wear in my mind when I buy something. It's a helpful way to determine if you really NEED an item, too!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Mica!

    1. haha yes sometimes if I can't find something by searching I'll go through the 'last worn' links I put too!. I think when you find things to affordably it's easy to get good cost per wear, even if you don't wear them 30 times! :)

  15. Mica, I love the love bag, lol ! I think the quilting design is beautiful and it is perfect alternative to the Chanel boy bag. I personally think that the Chanel boy bag is overpriced and ubiquitous. I love the way you styled this fabulous handbag in so many inspiring ways!

    1. I'd love to have a Chanel boy bag, but this is a nice similar piece and I don't think I'll have the budget to add another Chanel bag to my collection for a while, haha!

  16. This bag most certainly looks great with any outfit! I love all the looks that you have created beautiful xx

    Much love, xx
    Elegant Duchess

  17. What a cool idea! I love this!
    -Kate //

  18. I love the BIG love you have for Rebecca Minkoff bags. They really are something. You've proven they go with any outfit.
    Hope you're enjoying your summer!

    1. haha yes, the frequent sales do help with that!

  19. I know how much you love Rebecca Minkoff, remember you telling me you brought some items when she had a sale!

    These looks are gorgeous and you look stunning in each and every one of them!

    Hope you're keeping well pretty lady!

    Lots of love :)

    Laura xo

    1. I have far too many bags I get from the sales, haha!

  20. Love this RM bag, it's such a great color. Happy weekend Dear. xx

    Nina's Style Blog

  21. That is such a great bag! The size is so convenient and I love the color--gray goes with everything! I always love seeing your creativity in this series.

  22. This seems like an interesting challenge and I like the reasons behind it. My favorite of your 30 looks were the ones with the guitar strap. It's such a fun addition to the bag.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

    1. It is a fun challenge, I've really been enjoying doing it lately! :)

  23. I like the cost per wear thing! We don t do that over here, but I think it s a great way to watch your costs! Great outfits Mica!

    1. I've only started doing it recently but it's fascinating to see! :)

  24. Look at all the cute outfits you put together with this bag! I'm big on cost per wear especially since I tend to favor quality over quantity with my clothes and accessories.

  25. Oh wow! Love how versatile this bag is. You're making me want one now!:D I love that bag with the guitar strap better than the original strap as well. And love that last dress you're wearing in the vid:)
    PS Your bloopers really are too cute.

    1. Thanks Emmy! I love watching bloopers on other videos so I like adding them in!

  26. Such A lovely bag and it goes together nicely with everything you wore :) Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The #Weekendbloghop

  27. Wow that is a challenge! Your mum really picked out a winner for you. 60 times! I have a RM bag very similar to this one, though in lavender so I have not got quite that many uses out of it yet but give me time!

    Allie of

    1. Oh you'll definitely hit that with it soon I'm sure! :)

  28. Wow!!! This bag look so gorgeous and very matching with all this outfits ^^


  29. That is a great piece to have then, so versatile and beautiful. Thank you for putting all of this together, this is what fashion should be about: being able to wear things often


    1. Definitely! I'm happy to keep remixing and rewearing things :)

  30. Great share Mica! I love your outfits and your R.M. bag, of course!
    Happy Sunday!
    Kisses, Paola.


  31. Your 30 wears franchise always give me a lot of food for thought - I LOVE that it reminds me to apply the same process to my own buys and when you stop and take the time to think 'Would I REALLY wear this more than once'?

    Musings & More

    1. I'm glad it's inspiring you to think more about what you buy! :)

  32. My favourite look is how you styled the bag in a denim jacket and a red floral print gown. Lovely pictures.

  33. Jealous again of how versatile your wardrobe is!


  34. What a beautiful, classic bag! It truly looks great with anything! And I had no idea the details of the 30 wears challenge! I would do well to keep that in mind myself :)

  35. Wow, those are so many beautiful looks. You look great in all of them. Totally love how you styled the bag.

  36. That is such a classic bag! No wonder you have gotten so much use from it! I am a big fan of crossbody bags. They are really convenient! Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. They are such essential pieces for a mum I think!

  37. Ahhh this bag is gorgeous! Well done!

    x Lisa |

  38. You always have the chicest outfit babe.
    That bag is so versatile.

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  39. Oh, I recently sold mine and have been so upset since. I don't know why because he just sat in a dustbag in my closet for years. Hopefully the new owner is enjoying him to the fullest because that is one hell of a bag! Deceptively small but able to fit so much inside. I think that is what I miss most!


    1. Oh hopefully it has gone onto a great new home! Mine is such a staple, I feel like I'm always using it!

  40. Such a classy classic. Love this bag, so versatile too!

    Jessica |

  41. Lovely! That bag is so classic and chic!

  42. Thanks all for your kind comments! :)


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