
Wednesday 2 March 2022

What I Bought In February: Opshop Haul

I managed to get a lot more opshopping done in February than I usually would! The start of the school year was delayed by 2 weeks in Queensland because of high Covid cases so instead of coming back from the summer holidays in January the kids started school in February. It meant I ended up with a few kid free days while all the opshops around were open after their summer breaks. Perfect opportunity for some good, lengthy opshop browsing!

Unfortunately there was a bit of a laundry incident with my first opshopping day haul - a scarf I'd thrifted leaked colour onto everything in the wash. So I did buy a few things more than I'm sharing here. As they got damaged when the colour ran and I couldn't restore them despite trying two different colour run removers, I added them to my bag for the H&M fabric recycling project instead. I'm not including them in my fashion budget for the year as they didn't get worn, and are no longer wearable pieces after my laundry disaster!

Here's what I did buy in February and didn't destroy!

  • thrifted no brand navy grid print scarf $6
  • thrifted Eb&Ive black wooden bead multi strand statement necklace $5
  • thrifted Ghanda midi slink skirt in green mini blossom $1
  • thrifted Kmart pastel soft culotte shorts in floral print $1

A pretty modest haul given all of the opshops I visited over a few days, but while I saw a lot of pretty things I am trying to focus just on buying pieces that I can wear a lot of different ways and that will work in my wardrobe. Even if the preloved prices are so attractive! While the clothing pieces were just $1 each, the accessories were more expensive and the scarf and necklace account for more than half of the $13 I spent.

How I've Worn It:

haulternative opshop haul for feb what I've bought how I've worn it awayfromblue

I have a rule I set myself after doing a wardrobe clear out pre-kids and realising I had so many unworn, still with tags on pieces in my wardrobe. Everything I buy I have to wear twice in the month I buy it. The obvious piece that didn't meet this rule is the scarf - being a winter piece, I'm not going to be able to wear it in summer. I'm giving myself a pass there as I wear a lot of blue scarves and I know I will be reaching for this more when the weather cools. I still think it was a good buy even if I haven't been able to wear it yet. And thankfully this blue scarf didn't cause the colour run!

I'm pleased I manage to hit my wear twice goals with all the other things I bought though - although February was a short month it was easy to work these pieces into my current wardrobe. The shorts and necklace were sure winners, as I already have the same pieces in other colours in my wardrobe already! The midi skirt was a bit of a departure from my usual styles and I admit I struggled a little with finding ways to wear it and didn't love both outfits, but it's good to try different things and I'm hoping I can continue to get a lot of wear from it.

How I'm Tracking With My Budget:

As I didn't make any fashion purchases in January, not even in the January sales, I've only spent $13 this year so far, on the haul above. A good start to the year, especially as I don't see myself having a lot of opportunities for shopping in the near future, as I've started back at work 5 days a week for the first time in years! After I returned to work from maternity leave with my eldest I went part time and I've been part time ever since, until this year.

I missed the opportunity to add to the post that went up on Monday as it was pre-scheduled - but I'm adding to this post now. South East Queensland (and parts of NSW) were inundated with water over the weekend. Some areas got 80% of their annual rainfall in 2-3 days. If you can, please consider donating to the flood relief effort.

We avoided flood impacts but we were flooded in. We are luckier than many of our neighbours, their homes went under, just 200 meters away from us.

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  1. Wow - flooding! We have such extremes of weather nowadays, it's very worrying. I've never heard of Opshop but I'm guessing it's something like Lookiero. I always love seeing a haul from one of these style retailers. Your rules about managing your wardrobe are very sound. I am due to take some more stuff to the charity shop today, so that I can accommodate a few new arrivals for spring!

    1. I don't know what you call opshop in your country - it's a thrift shop - where people donate clothes and the charities sell them to raise money. I haven't bought any new items from a store since October last year.

  2. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear about the flooding.
    Returning to work 5 days a week is a big shift, I remember when I did that after years of working part time. The prices are so low on the clothing pieces you thrifted - that's amazing! I like the rule of having to wear a new to you piece twice in the month you purchase it!

    1. Yes I got so lucky - both at the opshop finding bargains and with the floods!
      I kind of wish I had delayed the return to 5 days a week a little as things have been so hectic but at least I'm still mostly working from home so have been able to work around things!

  3. loving your new buys and how you style them!
    you look fabulous!
    I hope you have a lovely week

    style frontier

  4. I love the cut of that skirt on you! And the print of the shorts is so fun! Great buys for the month!
    The flooding is so scary!! I lived near the water once and during a hurricane the house my friend and I were renting flooded with a few inches of water. Luckily we had warning to move our stuff up higher/take it back to our parents house before the storm. I hope the impacts are not long felt for you guys and you can get back to "normal" soon!

    1. Oh it's good you had warning! In the big 2011 floods here we evacuated when our power cut as they were cutting power manually in some cases to let people know to evacuate in advance. So we were free from it all. This time around it was right on our street and it was scary to see - especially for those who didn't have time to move things!

  5. I am sorry to hear about the laundry incident. You bought some nice items for only spending $13. I hope you enjoy the week Mica.

    1. It was frustrating but it's good I salvaged some items, and was able to thrift more!

  6. You picked up some great items this month.

  7. I love that you set a goal to wear new items twice in the month that you purchase it. That is so smart! And I am so glad that you were able to stay safe <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. It's a goal that has really helped to curb my spending!

  8. You got some really cute items in your haul and it's really impressive that you only spent $13. What a bummer about the scarf color running and ruining a few items but at least you can recycle them. The flooding must've been scary but it's good that your family was fine and the waters finally went down. Take care.

    1. yes I'm glad we were safe from the flooding, we were very lucky - flood-wise and with my opshop luck, ha!

  9. Laundry disaster aside, you did really well with February's opshop haul! I think it's very wise to stick to things that you can wear in different ways and will work with your existing wardrobe. Your wear it twice within the month rule is very wise too, although I doubt it would work for me :-) xxx

    1. Yes I do have some exceptions like the scarf and a winter knit I bought last year but I'm working hard to stick to the rule and only buy things that work in my wardrobe.

  10. That flooding doesn't sound good. Looks like you did well with your shopping last month.

  11. Lovely haul. Really enjoyed seeing your new purchases. I love the floral shorts! Make me so excited for spring!!!

  12. I'm so glad to hear your home didn't get flooded, Mica, and I hope the waters have abated! Such crazy weather hitting the world now...

    I love your videos - you are so fun to watch. I like your midi skirt very much - I think both outfits are excellent. Maybe it's just the case that you're not used to this longer length on you, so it feels off when you see it. Give your eyes time to adjust! I felt like that about skinny jeans when they came around in the mid-00s! What are those evil things? ha ha!

    1. Yes the floods have been so bad, we were really lucky it was just places around us that flooded although our poor neighbours lost so much :(

      So true, I just have to get used to it, it's a big challenge being a length and colour I don't normally wear!

  13. Oh my! The flooding is crazy! I'm so glad you are ok! Incredible job with your budget and thrifting finds!

  14. OMG! Sorry to see the flooding. Take care Mica. Lovely haul by the way and yes I am guilty too of not wearing so many pieces. But I am better now. I only buy when I am 100% sure that I will wear an outfit. Stopped impulse purchases. Have a nice day. :-)

    Via |

    1. I'm definitely an impulse shopper so trying to stop and make sure I can wear it helps make sure I don't buy too much on impulse, haha! :) I'm glad we were safe from the floods too.

  15. Congrats on a successful opshop haul! Minus the bleeding scarf, of course. I hate when that happens. And I'm glad that you didn't lose power during the flooding! Best of luck on returning to work. :)

    1. Yes we were very lucky to get off so lightly from the floods! It's been interesting returning to 5 days a week for sure!

  16. Nice haul!!!
    Amazing clother
    Thanks for sharing
    I wish you have a nice weekend ♥

  17. Hope the flood has dried up and didn't cause too much damage. Loved your hail especially the green skirt.

    Gemma x

    1. It has dried up now and we were only flooded in for a few days - it was good being able to drive out on the roads again!

  18. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about what happened with your laundry! Loved watching your hauls, such pretty pieces.

    Continued prayers that the flooding gets better for you guys!

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Thank you - we are so lucky flood waters have gone down here and to have been able to donate time and money to the clean up effort!

  19. Wow, when you said "flooded" I definitely didn't imagine you'd say literally!
    The rainstorms are really heavy there, it's scary! But I'm happy to hear that you're ok, seems that you're quite used to it!^^
    Very nice shopping haul, anyway, that floral skirt in particulare looks very good on you!
    Take care!

    1. Yes we have never seen crazy weather like this for a while and didn't know what to expect from the floods here in this area, we were very lucky! Other places got it so much worse, thankful we stayed high and dry and have been able to help our neighbours who suffered.

  20. My favorite is actually the green skirt!

  21. We had some flooding in our area and it is so stressful! And, it makes traffic horrific! I am glad your home is ok. That bright pink dress with the black accessories is so pretty on you!


    1. On the plus side, there was no traffic, because the roads were blocked in every direction, haha! When we waded through the water to walk to the store we were walking on main roads that are usually so busy, and not a car in sight!

  22. Me gusto la falda. Te mando un beso.

  23. I'm sorry to hear about the flooding, but I'm glad you are okay. Lovely haul! The skirt and the shorts look cute on you.

    1. Yes we had good luck with the floods and with thrifting! :)

  24. Good rule about 2 wears for new items!

  25. I love your rule for "new" clothing items; I tend to wear my new pieces more in those first weeks anyway... but could definitely do better with that especially when it comes to skirts and dresses. I do have a few new with tags I've been saving for the perfect occasion to wear them and I know I need to stop doing that. You got some great pieces on your thrifting adventures. I have been so sorry to read about all the flooding in your area of Australia. I have another blogging friend that was also flooded in but thankfully had no damage themselves either. But it is still so hard to watch those around struggling with the loss of so much.

    1. Yes I found I would "save" pieces for so long and then never wear them - I'm really trying to challenge that when I shop now! It's a rule that has really worked for me.

      I'm glad your blogging friend was safe from the floods too, so many lost so much the devastation has been terrible to see :(

  26. Oh geez that is some major flooding. I am glad you are safe.

    I have never heard of opshop. You got some great items.

    1. Opshop is a thrift shop :) We are lucky the flooding around us was mild, enough to cut off the roads, but also sadly enough to destroy a few of our neighbours houses :( So sad!

  27. Thanks for sharing this!
    so cool post!

  28. Oh, I watched your YouTube video about this haul! Such a shame about the laundry catastrophe, ugh. I’ve picked up a few things on Poshmark recently, and I’ve been reminded of how much I enjoy thrifting! Also, yay, your Kisschasy tee! :DD

    1. It is such a great tee I've been so inspired to wear them more since your challenge with band tees - I have them up in my wardrobe now instead of in my box of mementoes and they get worn a lot more! I wish we had poshmark in Australia! But I'm lucky to have so many great opshops nearby when I get the urge and time to thrift!

  29. It's really helped me so I no longer have new with tags pieces unworn and cluttering up my wardrobe!

  30. Thanks all for your kind comments!

  31. I've been distracted lately and missed some blog-posts like this one. Sorry I did -- a laundry disaster! I sympathize with your pain. :)

  32. That laundry incident could totally have been me - I am rubbish when it comes to taking care of clothes...

    1. I'm getting better at stain removal - with the kids giving me lots of opportunity to try things! But colour run is never something I can 100% bounce back from sadly!

  33. Mica, I know it was an adjustment from part time to full time. I know you are a busy girl. Hang in there. I started buying second hand several years ago and I am loving the things I am finding. You can really find some treasures. I only buy new here and there.


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