
Wednesday 10 October 2018

Mater Mothers' Hospitals Skin Care Review: For Mum And Baby

When I went to the Bloggers Brunch a few months ago, I had the opportunity to talk with some brands about collaborations, including Mater. You might have already seen my Mater nappies review. This time around, I'm reviewing their skin care range! They kindly sent me all four products to try out.

Mater Mothers' Hospitals Skin Care Range 4 products for mum and bubs | awayfromblue

Just like the nappies, the skin care range was developed by Mater midwives and mums! The products are all Australian made. They are specifically developed for sensitive skin with low irritant ingredients, dermatologically tested and do not have petrochemicals or added parabens. You don't need a newborn to enjoy them either, I've included some other uses in the review.

As a mum and find these products are perfect for our family. I also love that the proceeds from the sale of the Mater maternity and baby care products go to support Mater Little Miracles, helping fund life-saving care and research for Australian babies. Read on for the details about how you can use and how we have used each product.

Mater Body Balm For Pregnancy

Mater Body Balm for Pregnancy | away from the blue

No, this isn't an announcement post! I'm not pregnant! While this product is formulated to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, I think the ones I have gained over my pregnancies (that have been around for over 4 and a half years) might be a little too stubborn for this cream to have any effect! I still enjoyed using it though.

  • During pregnancy to soften and replenish stretching skin
  • An all over intensive moisturising treatment (during, before, and after pregnancy)
  • As a light moisturiser in summer that quickly absorbs into skin without being greasy

It smells really nice - not overpowering at all. It is really moisturising and it made my hands feel softer right away. I have eczema on my hands but this soothed the skin and didn't make it react at all - possibly the oat extract helping there. It's a great all over moisturiser and one I'm going to continue to use even though I'm not pregnant. I found myself reaching for this over my regular moisturiser. This smells so much better!

Mater Baby Wash

Mater Baby Wash product review | awayfromblue

A soap free, no SLS cleanser. Developed for the sensitive skin of newborns, but suitable for older children and adults. Ideal for daily use, and can be applied to the skin like a shower gel or added to the bath to create bubbles.

  • All-in-one wash for skin and scalp of babies
  • Anyone with sensitive skin who needs a soap free cleanser
  • Dogs who need a gentle soap free wash (yes, gentle enough to use on your fur-babies too!)

I love that this is soap free - having come across more than one baby wash that's irritated my eczema. This is so gentle, there are no issues to my skin when I fill up the bath with it. It creates plenty of bubbles despite the lack of SLS, as you can see from the photo above. It smells so good too, leaves a nice scent behind after a bath. So easy to dispense with the pump as well.

Mater Baby Moisturiser

mater mothers' hospitals baby moisturiser | awayfromtheblue

Extra mild moisturising lotion designed to protect against dryness and keep skin smooth. Full of wonderful emollients like the pregnancy body balm.

  • After bath time to keep skin soft
  • For baby massage before bedtime
  • As a makeup remover

On my skin, I didn't like this product as much as the body balm for pregnancy above. On the kids it was perfect though. Nice and moisturising without feeling greasy, and smells beautiful. The pump makes it so easy to dispense the moisturiser while also trying to apply it to a wriggling toddler too. Such a good feature that parents of older kids will appreciate, I certainly did!

Mater Nappy Balm

mater nappy balm skin care product | away from the blue

The Mater nappy balm is unique in that it was formulated to closely replicate vernix! (That's the substance produced in the womb that coats and protects the baby, the 'waxy' white substance many are born with). Forms a protective barrier to repel wetness while also moisturising.

  • as a protective nappy balm after changes
  • to soothe and heal irritated skin
  • as a spot treatment on mozzie bites or sunburn

I was really impressed with this product, particularly the tube packaging. It's really hygienic when you are changing multiple babies (as I was when I had 2 under 2!) and this would have come in very handy then. With the easy flip top to dispense it's a great one to have in your nappy bag, and will be a staple for us. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much, a nappy cream is a nappy cream right? This made such a difference and made changing nappies much faster. I am so glad I got to try it, has definitely replaced our usual go-to cream.

Don't just take my word for it! As you can see from all the stickers on the products, these have won multiple Mother & Baby and My Child awards. Definitely worth checking out. Their website has a full list of the ingredients in each product, along with the purpose of each, so you know exactly what you're getting.

Shop the range here:

Mater Mothers' Hospitals baby and mum skin care pack all 4 products reviewed | away from blue

Aren't the dogs cute? Even if the products aren't for you, you can get your own Miracle Max plush dog to show your support for Mater Little Miracles. The boys have been having so much fun with theirs!

Items in this post were provided to me for review purposes. As always: all thoughts, opinions and photographs are my own.

Linking up with Fabulous Friday, Weekend Blog Hop, Lizzie In Lace.

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  1. What a fabulous range of products and great review, Mica! Even better that the proceeds go to such a worthy cause. Those plush dogs are adorable! Is it wrong that I'd like to buy one for myself, as well as my son?! Haha! ;) Hope you're having a great week so far! XXX

    1. haha yes! They are adorable! Your son would love one! :)

  2. Aww these sound like really lovely products :) It's great they've been made for sensitive skin and with low irritability. Happy to hear you've been impressed by the range and I hope you're having a lovely week so far!! x

    1. Yes it's wonderful they are so gentle on skin! :)

  3. Hi Mica! Very well informed review of the products. I like the fact it caters towards sensitive skin. Thanks for sharing!

    I hope you having are a beautiful week. It's been raining nonstop here. I plan to grab a book and enjoy the rain:).. Good day

    1. Thanks Tiff! I'm glad you liked the review, a bit out of the norm for my blog but I had fun putting it together :)

  4. These sound fabulous!! Sometimes I think the "baby" products are even better for me because most don't have all the extra crap!!

    1. Very true! They are often a lot more gentle! :) I've been loving them for that reason!

  5. That's so cool that you were able to connect with some brands at your blogger brunch. Great review of the products!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  6. This sounds like a really nice range and it's good to know that sales of the products benefit a worthy cause as well.

    1. It is so good it goes to a great cause! :)

  7. I feel like my skin would appreciate this baby skin care line! I stopped using the harsh cleansers, soaps and shampoos they sell everywhere here and have recently been using a gentle bath salt for my skin. I love it. Those furries are the cutest. Hope you are having a lovely day, Mica :) Looking forward to more reviews from you :) xoxo

    1. You should definitely see if you can get it outside Australia, the products would be so good for your skin! :)

  8. It is rare to find products that are good for sensitive skin. I am glad these are. They sound so good for the skin and hair. Glad you like them.

  9. These products looks so lovely and cute.

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  10. I love that it’s a natural type product. I always notice such heavy chemicals in things on occasion. It’s difficult to get all natural. I think this line looks wonderful for any expecting mum. I hope your enjoying October. My birthday is coming up on the 20th so looking forward to that. And a few fun surprises on the way. 😊

  11. I don't have kids yet, but I can why these products are useful. I'll be sure to check out the brand when the time comes.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

    1. They are so good, for the whole family! :)

  12. I didn't know about this brand before but I'm totally interested since some baby's products are better than the ones for adults.

  13. I've never heard of this brand but so amazing that you love it! I really like that it uses safe ingredients!

  14. This sounds like a gorgeous range of baby products, I'm really particular about what I'll use on my baby's skin but these sound great :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Yes it's definitely good to seek out products that are friendly for sensitive skin for babies! :)

  15. Really sounds like a great range of products. I am usually not very picky with my body care, but I was shocked how difficult it was to find body care for babies that didn't contains a lot of fragrance or stripping ingredients.

    Anne - Linda, Libra, Loca

    1. Yes I've found a lot of baby products aggravated my skin conditions and my doctor has suggested some alternatives - pleased to see there were no reactions with these!

  16. These products sound good. I never heard this brand but it seems impressive.
    Have a nice day dear!

  17. Good baby products are so important, it sounds like these are all great options. I have to say too that I love the sound of "nappy balm" it sounds so much nicer than the "diaper rash cream" we have here. Ha!

    1. haha yes! It's definitely a great product too, I love it!

  18. This looks like a wonderful line! Thanks for sharing.

  19. These look and sound like amazing products! My youngest daughter's skin is a little sensitive so I always try to be careful with the products I use for her. I used moisturizer throughout my pregnancies on my belly and I think it really helped prevent stretch marks!

    1. I wish I'd tried this cream in pregnancy - I used one for both pregnancies but I was covered in stretch marks by the end. It was so interesting seeing the purple ones from my last pregnancy mingling with the silver ones of my previous pregnancy!

  20. Those products seem to be really good! I would like to try them out :)

  21. Those dogs are super cute! lol! Love them. I haven't heard of these products, but I wish I had moisturized my belly more when I was pregnant with my two! It's so important!


    1. I moisturised so much as my skin was so itchy, haha! I wish I'd had this cream then!

  22. Hello, this is a great review for a good products! :)
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  23. This sounds like a wonderful line! And while I don't have kids, I do kind of want those dogs, haha. So cute!

    1. They are super cute dogs and a great way to fundraise!

  24. Those are such great products, maybe I should recommend these to my friend and her new baby ^^

    TORI CHU | Mamonde High Cover Cushion

  25. Love these products, they have such a great range of selection as well. Thanks for sharing dear!
    Jessica |

  26. I have not heard of these products before I will have to keep a look out for them here in the UK :) The dogs are so sweet.

    Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop hope you're having a lovely week.

    1. It would be great if you could get them in the UK also! :)

  27. Thanks all for your lovely comments! I'm glad you enjoyed the review and I could introduce the range to a few of you :)


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