
Wednesday 1 March 2017

Wardrobe Inventory | 6 Months Without Shopping Update 2

Another month over, another month of my #6MonthsWithoutShopping challenge completed!

Just like last month, I managed to avoid the sales and stores most of the time. The continuing heatwaves meant playdates at home in the aircon and so there was no shopping temptations from meeting up in Westfield. Unsubscribing from emails from online stores has helped keep temptation at bay as well.

The biggest help in avoiding shopping has been the boys though! Their naps have gone from sometimes lining up to never lining up so it's extremely difficult to waste time online 'just browsing' shopping sites. That has been the major factor to make this month another easy month for avoiding shopping. I feel it's made me a bad blogger too as it's so hard to read other blogs but baby routines change so much, it's only temporary.

Two years ago I did a wardrobe inventory. I wanted to do one last year but never seemed to find the time. I'd like to make it an annual thing. In 2015, I had 101 accessories and 266 items of clothing.

Since then I have had many more declutter sessions, a wardrobe detox with a personal stylist and another pregnancy. I was interested to see how the count would have changed this year. The totals below doesn't include things like pieces I only wear for layering, pyjamas and loungewear.

Wardrobe Inventory Closet Count for 2017 | Away From Blue Style Blogger

2017 Closet Totals


30 scarves

29 bags

24 pairs of shoes

  • 8 pairs flats
  • 1 pair of wedges
  • 3 pairs of heels
  • 2 pairs of Converse
  • 3 sandals 
  • 2 pairs of thongs (flip flops)
  • 5 pairs of boots


97 tops, including

  • 15 fitted tanks
  • 21 other tanks
  • 24 nongrey tees
  • 7 grey tees
  • 9 long sleeve tops
  • 6 shirts
  • 5 camis

6 jumpers

8 cardigans

20 jackets, including

  • 3 blazers
  • 7 kimonos
  • 3 leather jackets
  • 2 trench coats

16 pairs of jeans

  • 1 set of flares
  • 2 printed jeans
  • 13 skinny jeans

4 pairs of shorts

19 skirts

  • 8 maxi skirts
  • 1 a line skirt
  • 10 pencil skirts

41 dresses, including

  • 3 wrap dresses
  • 11 maxi dresses
  • 17 office dresses

Final totals:

83 accessories
211 items of clothing
294 pieces

My wardrobe had 367 items in 2015 so 294 is a step in the right direction! I do try to share my wardrobe edits on the blog when I've given something its last wear and it is leaving my wardrobe. Sometimes I never give pieces a final wear and I don't like them when I try them on or I remember I didn't like them last time I wore them and so I donate or sell them.

It's wonderful that I've managed to reduce the number of bags and scarves but I'm surprised I've increased the number of shoes I own! I'm disappointed I have so many dresses, after I got rid of a few at the end of the Frocktober challenge. It's good to see I've halved the number of grey tees though.

How Many Outfits?

Since I'm attempting the #30Wears challenge this year I thought it would be interesting to calculate how many outfits I'd have in my wardrobe if I tried to get 30 wears from everything. Keeping it simple as maths isn't my strong point, just looking at tops and dresses and not outfit combinations:

30 wears from 41 dresses is 1,230 outfits. Almost 3 and a half years of outfits. 
30 wears from 97 tops is 2,910 outfits. Almost 8 years of outfits.

And I frequently think I have nothing to wear, wow...😮

If I was to just focus on getting 30 wears out of everything I currently own, I wouldn't need to buy any new clothes for around 11 years. Somehow 6 months without shopping seems like a very short time. You can be sure I'll be looking back at these numbers when I'm tempted to buy something, to help me stick to my no-shopping challenge for the next 4 months.

I really liked looking at how my wardrobe has changed in 2 years and if you enjoyed seeing it too I'll attempt another inventory next year. If you've done a similar count please leave a link to your post in the comments, I'd love to read it.

Linking up with Fashion Files, Budgeting Bloggers, Fun Fashion, Fabulous Friday.

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  1. Wow, that is a big reduction. But stil about 100 times the pieces I own. If I count lipsticks though, I feel likeI own close to 30 as well, according to your bag count. I guess we all have different things we focus on.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. haha yes I only have the one lipstick - we all have our splurges! :)

  2. Oh this is interesting. I think I might want to try something similar, but that'll be after I document everything I have and make sure my StyleBook app is up to date. Have you tried it yet?? I reviewed it on my blog, it's pretty handy for tracking and knowing what you own and what you wear. :)

    1. I haven't tried that app - it does sound like a good idea though! :) I have my blog to show me what I actually wear each day which is helpful :)

  3. I still have a bigger wardrobe than you! If that makes you feel any better, ha ha! Although I have no impulse to reduce it, and refuse to feel guilty about it. I will be doing another inventory at the end of March (30 days to go!), and will count up all my spring/summer stuff.

    Good for you for sticking to your self-challenge, Mica! Own only things you love!

    1. I look forward to seeing your inventory! :) I think you have your shopping and your wardrobe so organised, you certainly shouldn't feel bad about it!

  4. First up, your bag collection blows me away. I know you don't buy them full price, but wow. That's quite an impressive collection!

    It's interesting to me that you only have 3 wrap dresses out of the 41 dresses in your closet, since I find your wrap dresses are frequently the most memorable for me. Maybe it's because you're not wearing your office dresses while on maternity leave?

    1. Yes, it's so many bags! Too many if you ask hubby, haha!

      I do have so many office dresses and dresses I can't wear while breastfeeding but I'm looking forward to getting back to them soon!

  5. Yea, I've been good and haven't shopped in one month, not quite six, but getting there, haha!

  6. Phew the math of 30 wears is crazy! I'm trying a no shop March and already on day 1 it's tough!

  7. Hi! Such a great post and as mentioned before I love this challenge! I agree breaking away from online sites does help with the temptation:) Have a blessed rest of the week super stylish and cute lady!


  8. Congratulations for this accomplishment< I do not think I could do this. and am always updating my wardrobe, careful to give away at least as much as I buy.. Love how impressive bag collection, and how well curated your wardrobe is. So inspiring!
    xx, Elle

    1. Thanks Elle! I definitely don't feel it's very curated, need to try better at organising and adding to it!

  9. I can understand how you never found the time for a wardrobe inventory! I thought I had a lot of clothing & accessories but now I really feel like a minimalist next to you! haha It’s great how you’ve reduced your wardrobe since the year before. I always find myself regretting getting rid of stuff months later. I find myself looking for things I've donated with my mom reminding me I no longer have it haha You’ll need to make a post on how to reduce stuff so I can learn from you!


    1. Haha yes it takes a while to count it all up and get on top of laundry with two little boys! I feel I really have a long way to go to get better at decluttering!

  10. Having nothing to wear and feeling like you have nothing to wear are two very different things. On our quests for these perfect, refined closets we think that we can eliminate the feeling of having nothing to wear, but that is a feeling which has very little to do with clothes.
    Still, looks like you are making great progress for a less cluttered closet and doing so well with the shopping ban!
    Chic on the Cheap

    1. That's it exactly - I often feel like I have nothing to wear when it's very clear I do!

  11. I love this idea of a post, it is super interesting to see what other bloggers have in their wardrobes. It makes me want to do it now because I have absolutely no idea how many items of clothes I have in my wardrobe. I really admire your no shopping also.

    1. Thanks Imogen! Hope your inventory is eye opening for you! :)

  12. My goodness darling your wardrobe is huge! You're making me envious hehe.
    Love from

  13. Similar than mine!! What an wardrobeee... Girls always need space, always..!
    Mónica Sors

  14. I loved reading about what you have in your wardrobe and how you've edited it. It's inspired me to have a go . . . just got to find the time, of course.

    1. Yes, time is so hard to find! I'm hoping I can get more regularity with it and do it next year too though :)

  15. Wow, I'm overwhelmed by your organization! Love the post, dear! xoxo

  16. Your closet is amazing! I feel like you have come so far in your journey on this blog that you are one of the few that actually "knows" your closet. Girl, I can't even tell you how much of this and that I own, and perhaps with this pregnancy, I can really step back and reevaluate things like you have done. This shopping ban is doing wonders for you!

    1. Thanks Kiki! I feel like I still have a long way to go, but I'm glad it's inspiring you!

  17. Wow props to you for counting it all up Mica, I don't know where you found the time! I'd love to do this one day but I can't see I'll ever get around to it. I do know I have 4 pairs of jeans, four pairs of cropped work trousers and 2 pairs of casual trousers but a lot of skirts (20 ish) and around 30 dresses.... It's a lot, hence my reluctance to try and add it all up, ha!

    1. haha yes you find so many extra pieces you never thought about when you count it all up! YOu do have to wait until you're all caught up with laundry though which is a rarity in this house (and why I never did it last year....!)

  18. This is fantastic! I was actually planning to do something like this with my wardrobe over spring break :D -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  19. I too unsubscribe from store e-mails when I want to cut back on shopping, it's so much easier when you don't constantly receive promotions in you inbox! I love how you went about analyzing your wardrobe, it's crazy to think that many of us have so many potential outfits that would last us years and years and like you, we often think we have nothing to wear, haha. Thanks for sharing and I hope you're having a great week!



  20. So impressed you were able to do this inventory. I admit, I am a little afraid to put it all out there online for people to judge. I try to go through my closet regularly to keep it under control. Thanks for sharing! I think you have done so well with your no shopping. I am so impressed.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    1. Oh I hope no-one would judge you for it! We all have those things we like to spend money on, mine just happens to be clothes and accessories!

  21. The math of 30 wears is insane! Also, your bag collection is amazing!

  22. You are doing so well with your shopping ban! I always say I'm going to do a closet inventory but never get around to it. You may have inspired me to get to it! I'm obsessed with your bag collection!

    Doused In Pink

    1. Hope you manage to do it, glad I could inspire you! :)

  23. Wow, I'm so impressed that you took the time to do this inventory! How awesome to see really, truly how many outfits you can make with the clothes that you have. I need to do something like this as a reminder when I feel like I have nothing to wear. Way to go on the shopping ban too!

    1. Thanks Shea - it's certainly been interesting for me!

  24. That is time consuming to take inventory like that! I have cut down on my clothes so much and do it every month. It's easy for me to see what I wear on a monthly/daily basis and then go from there! Nice that you aren't buying anything! :)

    1. Oh I couldn't do it monthly, good on you for being so organised! :)

  25. WOW! Can I please have all of your bags!? You have an amazing collection and this is such an amazing thing that you do. Great post, girl!!!

    Trendy & Tidy

  26. I am really impressed with the amount of items you've taken out of your closet over the past few years! I never count scarves or bags, but I probably should. You've been doing amazing with your shopping ban!

    1. Scarves and bags are my "one more won't hurt" purchases so it's good to see how the numbers change over the years!

  27. Great inventory! I've been unsubscribing from emails lately too. But more because I get so many than they tempt me with sales. Love all your bags!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. It's good to keep the volume down, whatever the reason! :)

  28. Wow Mica, the amount of clothing you own sounds exactly like what my sister has... she love vintage chic items... I on the other hand have nearly nothing, lol... it wouldn't take me long to count them... haha Congratulations on not shopping for 6 months, that is awesome xox

    1. I bet you and your sister have awesome wardrobes!

  29. This is so amazing...aha, you keep track of everything so well Mica!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries
    Visit my YouTube channel!

  30. I should so a wardrobe inventory too. That sounds like an excellent idea.

  31. I have the exact same MAB tote that's in the picture of your closet! I keep wanting to do a closet inventory, though I'd need to do another round of cleaning out first. (It's been a while since the last time I decluttered the closet.)

    1. Yes it's good motivation to declutter first! :)

  32. A wardrobe inventory is always a good idea, but 6 months without shopping seems like a tall order to me! ;)

    Thanks so much for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday. It feels good to catch up with everyone!

    Dawn Lucy

    1. Yes, I'm pleased I'm doing so well with it! :)

  33. Mica, I enjoyed reading this. I think it's important to take inventory. I've paired down considerably over the years and it feels so much better. I think you've done a great job! It's hard to resist with all the sales, but in the end (and as we grow) we find that we do not need as much.

    1. Yes, that's so important, over time we realise we need less. I just wish I could use that knowledge to help me declutter more, haha!

  34. I am utterly jealous that it's the start of Summer for you! Send some of that sun to the UK would you!? I adore your Somedays kimono - it's the perfect thing to throw on and makes a simple outfit so much more!

    Musings & More

  35. I think I must have way too much in my wardrobe! My problem is not having enough space to store my clothes and have them easily accessible - that and the fact I don't throw anything away! Nice blog read Hun. Jacqui

    1. Yes I wish I had more space - we are house hunting but it's not easy so I think owning less so I can better use the space I have is the way to go!

  36. Mica I am certainly impressed. I have taken inventory but only of certain items, for example, shoes or blazers and cardis, I dare not go further. I am fully aware that I have too much which is one of the reasons I am on a shopping ban, however I don't feel I have done any real important decluttering as of now, so it is likely I will add another month to the ban, we'll see.

    1. Yes it took me a few years to work up to this! I counted my dresses once and got scared and stopped, haha!

  37. Mica, you are doing so well with your shopping ban. Good for you. I enjoyed seeing a bit of your closet and a run down of your inventory. I have been editing my wardrobe and really need to do more. Thanks so much for linking up!

  38. Wow, it sounds like a lot, but at the same time I'm too scared to do my own count! I feel like I would have more shoes than you, please don't judge me! lol
    Well done on your spending ban by the way! Xx

    Kez |

    1. Oh definitely no judgement! We all have things we like to buy! :)

  39. Thank you all for your lovely comments - glad I could give some of you the idea to try an inventory of your own :)

  40. This is such a great post. You have such an amazing handbag collection... who needs to buy new clothes when you can change the look of an outfit with your bags!

    Gemma x


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