
Tuesday 12 March 2013

Pink Floral Top, Check Pencil Skirt, Balenciaga City | Ruffle Dress, Hermes Twilly, Tan Flats

Here's what I wore to work on Monday:
Sunnies: pink leopard print sunglasses from Paddy's Markets in Sydney
Bracelets: the usual plus gifted Balenciaga classic pearly grey double tour bracelet
Top: Papyrus floral shirt and pink tank gifted from my grandma
SkirtAsos tailored checked workwear pencil skirt
ShoesRubi primo ballet flats in silver
BagBalenciaga RH classic city in 2010 sorbet

This is an outfit that seemed like a good idea at the time when I planned it the night before, but I didn't actually try it on until I wore it Monday. Although I like the pink and grey together, it's not a great shape. Maybe should have added a belt or tucked the top into the skirt. Had no time to do anything when I rushed out the door in the morning. Will know the next time.

Last worn: pink sunniestwo-in-one top, checked pencil skirt, silver flats, Balenciaga sorbet city.

Shop similar:

Here's what I wore to work today:
Sunnies: pink leopard print sunglasses from Paddy's Markets in Sydney
Necklace: sterling silver monogram necklace C/O
Bracelets: the usual plus Hermes twilly worn as a bracelet (Confettis D'ex-Libris from 2009)
DressJeanswest deep pink ruffle neckline dress
Belt: C/O Poppywinkle brown weave belt (came with Janet top)
Shoes:  Marc by Marc Jacobs Logo Plaque flats in camel
BagBalenciaga RH city in 2008 sapphire

Very busy at work with lots of meetings and trying to get all of my tasks for the week finished before I go off to Melbourne. Wanted to be comfortable so a nice bright dress seemed like a good choice to wear. Thought I'd be really colourful and pair the pink dress with my purple Balenciaga too. I liked the way it turned out, usually I stay away from wearing other colours with this dress but I like the pink and purple, what do you think?

1 day left before Melbourne - if you have any ideas for things for me to do or see while I'm there this week, please let me know :)

Last worn: ruffle dress, Hermes twillyMarc by Marc Jacobs flats, Balenciaga sapphire city bag.

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  1. Pink looks great on you, dear! <333

  2. Great pink sorbet bag!!!!

  3. I like the second look and the dog is soooo cute oh my!! *_*

  4. you look so pretty in pink mica! love the color combinations. pink & grey and pink & purple are always nice. i love that ruffled dress. have a great day at work and have fun in Melbourne. i couldn't stop laughing at your waffle comment. hahaha i'm just picturing a waffle coming out of the cd tray! that is so awesome. HAHAHAHA you are too funny! have a great day.

  5. Gorgeous dress! Love the purple and red together. Gorgeous.

  6. Love the Rubi flats. Must investigate.

    SSG xxx

  7. I only wish I could give you a million tps on what to do in Melbourne, but sadly, a ticket to Australia has not been in my budget yet, haha. It's the most far I can get from my country I think, so I would really really love to wander Australias deserts and beaches one day :) Will you share photos from Melbourne with us when you return? :D

    I also really love your deep pink dress! It's something I would wear in summer too :) I love the ruffles and the cheerful colour. xo

    1. Hope you liked the Melbourne photos here and on my facebook page! :) And remember if you ever come over I'd love to show you around! :)

  8. That second dress looks incredible on you! :)


  9. I love the red dress on you!

  10. Wow you love your balenciagas! Sort of massively jealous, I love my black city but I've always wanted a jewel coloured work!

    Fashion Dawgs

  11. That purple and pink mix has won my heart! I love that pretty dress and the rich purple color on the bag <3

    Trendy Teal

  12. Such a lovely look. Very feminine and chic.

    The Boyfriend Project

  13. I love your Balenciaga collection- you've got something great going :P

  14. Thank you for yout lovely comment! I follow you on GFC! Amazing Balenciaga. xoxo

  15. Love this look! so cute, love the colours xo

  16. I'm impressed how you get the cutie-pie of a dog to sit still and pose so nicely! Hope you're having a great time in Melbourne!

  17. Love the dress you wore to work! What a pretty color :)

  18. I love the Balenciaga bags:)

  19. In love with the red dress! I'm "fair" or "pale" like you are too and I reckon a red hue like this really flatters our skintone :)

  20. That dress looks STUNNING on you!!! Its such a good color and shape! I also like all the pink from the first outfit :)

  21. love the colour combo mica - i some times feel my outfits are not as successful as they can be too but that's the whole point of experimenting! you look great still + love the double tour bracelet, been thinking of getting another one for myself, but can't decide on a colour :)

    melbourne is so much fun, i know you'll have a brilliant time there. love the cafes on hardware lane in the CBD, a little french one called creperie le triskel is one of my faves and they do such beautiful crepes! cumulus + attica + lupino are some of my fave restaurants there.. there's always something interesting around the corner art-wise too, best get lost exploring! x

    steph /

    steph /

  22. Thank you so much Steph! I'll try find a map and mark those spots on it thank you! :)

  23. I hate it when an outfit is better in my mind than in reality, but I think this one is almost there - maybe add a blazer?
    Chic on the Cheap

  24. You look lovely in two of these outfits. Love the pink Balenciaga! :) xx

  25. I want that arm scarf! I've never tried that before- it looks cool!

    1. Thanks! I just tie it in a knot and hope for the best, haha!

  26. Thank you all for your lovely comments :)


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